Super Spectrim Multi Vitamin and Minerals 100 ct Bottle Regular with Iron

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New and Improved - Now with Lycopene and Lutein! 

Shelf Life up to 10 years!! Great for your Emergency and Survival Kit!

 Developed by Dr. David Boska, M.D. (former  medical doctor to the U.S. Astronauts); Super Spectrim Vitamins is the only true  'up-to-12-hour' time release supplement.

 Why Super Spectrim Vitamins? This special time release formulation is micro-encapsulated, chelated and designed for high  utilization and long term effectiveness in order to provide a regulated release of nutrients for up to 12 full hours. Thus the level of absorption approaches 100%. Each tablet contains 63 nutrients, 14 cold processed Vitamins, 12 chelated Minerals, Micro Minerals, Antioxidants, Digestive Enzymes, Essential Amino Acids, and Bioflavonoid all in a Buffered formula! 

 The vitamins and minerals in Super Spectrim Vitamins (not Super Spectrum Vitamins) have been configured in ratios for optimum effectiveness, better assimilation and better absorption! Super Spectrim Vitamins are time-released insuring you nutrients released throughout the day for up to 12 hours! If your multi is not time-release you could be throwing your nutrients in the toilet. Many nutrients cancel each other out like Iron and Vitamin-E. With Super Spectrim time-release, you are assured each nutrient works together for the greatest absorption. Super Spectrim Vitamins have minerals  that are chelated. Without chelating, mineral absorption is only 8 to 14% whereas with chelating the absorption is up to 100%.

 It is absolutely necessary to take in the essential nutrients in order for the body to grow and maintain proper health. What are these essential nutrients? Well, in simple terms, they are the vitamins, minerals and proteins that you get from the foods you eat every day. Vitamins and minerals are the reasons we function on the cellular level. Vitamins and minerals make enzymes and hormones, the essential parts of our living. Enzymes control the chemical reactions in your body. Hormones regulate your growth, sexual characteristics, blood pressure, heart rate, glucose levels, and many other functions. Protein builds our muscles. Knowing that today the soil is horribly depleted; the vitamin and mineral content of food is getting lower and lower. Therefore it is necessary to supplement our food intake to ensure an adequate amount of the essential nutrients.

 Dr. Chandra, M.D. and professor of immunology at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, gave about 50 Canadians over age 65 a multi-vitamin and mineral and 50 a placebo for about one year. The group that took the multivitamin and mineral had half the number of colds, flu and other infection related illnesses. And when they did get sick, they got better in half the time! So consistently taking Super Spectrim multi-vitamin and mineral can strengthen your immune system. No need to have a shelf full of bottles.

 No need to mega-dose because of low absorption rates. No need to take multiple doses of vitamins and minerals during the day or wonder if you are getting  the correct nutrients. Super Spectrim Vitamins can help give your body the nutrients it craves with our exclusive "time release" tablets. Your body will know the difference and you will feel the difference!

 Regardless of you lifestyle, the average person, athlete, child, etc., you may notice less fatigue and more energy including Super Spectrim Vitamins into your daily activity. Remember, Super Spectrim Products offer a 30 day Money Back Guaranty! Experience the difference For Youth, Health, Vitality and Happiness  - Super Spectrim Vitamins!




ABSORPTION – Up to 12 Hour Time-Release greatly increases absorption! Many supplements on the market today only provide 5% to 14% absorption. Super Spectrim Multi- Vitamin offers up to 100% absorption!


CHELATED - For up to 100% absorption, minerals need to be attached - "chelated" -- to another nutrient. Highly absorbable "chelators" are used in the Super Spectrim Multi-Vitamin formula!


14 VITAMINS - Vitamins A, D, E, C, B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12, Niacinamide Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Folic Acid, Biotin 


24 MINERALS - Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Iron, Iodine, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium, Molybdenum, Barium, Bismuth, Boron, Cobalt, Gallium, Silicon, Silver, Strontium, Sulphur, Titanium, Vanadium and Zirconium!


BUFFERED - its easy on an empty stomach!


ANTIOXIDANTS – Beta-Carotene, Selenium, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Zinc, & Manganese! Antioxidants are special compounds that bind to free oxygen radicals in the body and prevent them form damaging healthy cells. Free Radicals are unstable molecules created in the body as by-products of many metabolic processes. They react with and destroy healthy cells, alter DNA structures, cause premature aging & affect cardiovascular, neurological, skin and visual health.


PURE - No sugar, no starch, and no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners!


LONG SHELF LIFE - Minimum life of 3 years!


ECONOMICAL – Only a few pennies a day!


Ten Points To Remember About Super Spectrim

bullet TRUE TIME RELEASE - You get the nutrients over a twelve hour period of time all day long when and where you need them.
bullet CHELATION - Chelation which enables the body to use natural elements more efficiently.
bullet COST. Not only is Super Spectrim Multi-Vitamin inexpensive, they're so effective that they're worth 5 to 15 bottles of the competition.
bullet NUTRITIONALLY COMPLETE - Super Spectrim Multi-Vitamin contains all of the important vitamins, minerals, micro-minerals, amino acids, and digestive enzymes in one tablet. No need to have a shelf full of bottles.
bullet DOSAGE - You need to take Super Spectrim Multi-Vitamin only once a day and it can be done on an empty stomach. No need to remember to take it with every meal.
bullet ABSORPTION - Super Spectrim Multi-Vitamin has been specially formulated for high utilization, up to 100% compared to 5 to 14% in other well-known vitamin/ mineral formulas.
bullet PROVEN - Super Spectrim Mulit-Vitamin has been used by world-class athletes, and prescribed by doctors, for over 20 years. Thousands of people have seen the benefits provided by Super Spectrim.
bullet BUFFERED - its easy on an empty stomach!
bullet NATURAL - Every ingredient has to be beneficial to the body or not be part of the Super Spectrim Multi-Vitamin formula.
bullet LONG STORAGE LIFE - This formula has a long shelf life (when stored under proper conditions) with very little decrease in nutritive value. Independent analysis confirms.



Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 2 Tabs
Servings Per Container: 50
Amount Per Serving
Vitamin Formula:                                                              RDA

Beta Carotene (as pro-Vitamin A 0.6 mg)  2,000 I.U.            40%
Vitamin A (from Retinyl Pamitate) 8,000 I.U.                       160%

Vitamin D (as Ergocalciferol) 200 I.U.                                  50%
Vitamin E (d-Alpha Tocopheyl Succinate) 60 I.U.                  200%
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 120 MG                                      200%                    
Vitamin B1 (from Thiamine HCL) 3 MG                                200%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 3.4 MG                                           200%

Vitamin B3  (Niacin as Niacinamide) 40 MG                          200%
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL) 4 MG                                      200%
Pantothenic Acid (Calcium Pantothenate) 20 MG                  200%
Vitamin B9   (Folic Acid) 800 MCG                                      200%
Vitamin B12 (Cyanobalmin) 12 MCG                                    200%
Biotin          600 MCG                                                        200%


Mineral Formula (Chelated):
Calcium (Caclcium Carbonate) 300 MG                                30%
Iron ( from Amino Acid Chelate)  18 mg                              100%
Magnesium (Magnesium Oxide) 150 MG                              38%
Potassium (Potassium Chloride) 80 MG                                2%
Zinc (Amino Acid Chelate) 30 MG                                        200%
Iodine (Potassium Iodine) 300 MCG                                     200%
Copper ( from Amino Acid Chelate) 2 MG                             100%
Manganese ( Amino Acid Chelate) 4 MG                               200%
Chronium ( from yeast free- GTF)  120 MCG                         100%
Selenium ( from L-Selenomethionine) 70 MCG                     100%
Molybdenum ( from Sodium Molybdate) 70 MCG                   96%

Proprietary Nutrient Support Blend: 720MCG   Boron from ( Boron Citrate), Lutein ( from Marigold Extract), Lycopene ( from Natural Tomato Extract), Vanadium ( from Vanadyl Sulfate).

Suggested Use:
*Taking 2 tablets of Super Spectrim Daily provides you with the optimal amount of the vital nutrients without mega dosing.

Taking one tablet of Super Spectrim daily along with your normal food intake should help you obtain the RDA allowance established by the U.S. Government.

Disclaimers: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

SUPER SPECTRIM Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Super Spectrim superior ?
Because of the absorption.

Does Vitamin E cancel Iron in all vitamin tablets ?
Yes. Many other nutrients also cancel each other, such as Vitamin C and Vitamin B-12. This occurs in vitamin tablets which have only "sustained release" instead of true "time release." Thus most vitamin tablets offer only about 5% absorption.

Are the minerals in Super Spectrim chelated ? What is chelation ?
Yes. Chelation is from the Greek meaning "to claw or hook."

What is chelation in simple terms ?
In simple terms chelation means that each mineral hooks to an organic compound which holds it in a chemical claw. The organic compound readily passes from the intestines into the blood stream whereas minerals alone do not. In this manner more of each mineral is absorbed into the blood stream.

Could you illustrate the value of chelation relative to Super Spectrim Multi-Vitamin and Mineral ?
Yes. Here's an example. A sincere, health conscious woman, who takes supplemental iron, notices that her stool is black. She is taking iron supplements, yet she is still anemic. This is because only 2 to 3 percent of the iron is being absorbed. However, if she takes supplemental iron that is properly chelated, she will receive up to 100 percent absorption.

Does this happen with other minerals also ?

Would you give me another example ?
Yes, Another example would be the mineral zinc. If zinc is not properly chelated, only about 14 percent is absorbed.

Why is this, chemically speaking ?
Because the cell lining of the duodenum has such great efficiency in the absorption of such acids as citric and ascorbic, that these are actually better agents for chelation than amino acids. Amino acids are commonly used for chelation. However, in Super Spectrim, citric and ascorbic acids are used.

What is the shelf life of Super Spectrim ?
A minimum of fours years.

How much Super Spectrim should the average man or woman take ?
Every person is different. Each person must monitor his or her own system. Check with your doctor. However, usually two to six tablets a day is sufficient.

Isn't more better ?
No. remember, it is not the "size of the dog" but the "size of the bite" of the dog. Sometimes a light weight fighter can hit like a heavy weight. When you fill a cup up to the rim with liquid, it is full. If you add any more, the liquid will spill over and be wasted.

What happens to the body when it is under stress ?
Under stress, the body uses prodigious amounts of Vitamin-B Complex. It is like turning up the damper in a pot belly stove. Therefore, under stress, more Vitamin-B Complex Is needed.

Do you have lab reports on the product ?

Is the label accurate ?

Didn't Dr. Carlin Venus break a world's record while training on Super Spectrim ?
Yes. At age 53, he broke the world's record by raising 400 pounds over his head with one arm.

Is Dr. Venus noted as an athletic trainer ?
Yes. He has trained over sixty athletic champions. And on Jan. 26, 1985 at the First Annual Fitness Expo held in Ventura, California, and attended by 542 people from forty different countries, he was awarded the Title of "The World's Leading Athletic, Bodybuilding and Strength Counselor."




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