According to the medical statistics every 6th person suffers from the shortage of calcium. Sooner or later it can lead to osteoporosis - a disease that causes thinning of the bone tissue and skeleton deformation. Calcium is in charge of our health and beauty. Shiny hair, strong muscles, good posture, firm nails and thick lashes— all that is secured by calcium. However, even balanced nutrition doesn’t guarantee timely and correct absorption of calcium by the body, as it absorbs only 20% of this vital microelement. It is not always that specific calcium-containing food supplements are of any essential help. The point is, proper assimilation of this mineral requires special conditions, a sort of “road map”, so to say. Otherwise, calcium will end up in a completely wrong place (on blood vessels’ walls, for instance) and do more harm, than good. Calcium penetrates through cholesterol plaques on the blood vessels’ walls, forming the insoluble compounds. As a result vessels lose elasticity, become fragile, and opening of the vessel reduces, which subsequently means that less oxygen and nutrients get into the body, increasing load on the heart. Proper absorption of calcium is ensured by vitamins of the group D, vitamin K2 and Shilajit that contain the ultimate amount of micro- and macroelements, indispensable for proper absorption of calcium. However, not every pharmaceutical product can boast of such a rich composition.

  • Reduces the risk of osteoporosis
  • Improves bone structure and mineral density
  • Prevents washing out of calcium from the bones
  • Helps knitting of bones after fractures
  • Precludes spinal deformation and faults in posture
  • Participates in formation of collagen, the most vital protein of the bone tissue
  • Strengthens hair, nails and teeth

      New revolutionary product OsteoSanum has been developed specifically as a remedy to prevent osteoporosis and saturate tissues with calcium. Due to carefully selected ingredients OsteoSanum protects bones from destruction and fractures, and strengthens muscles. OsteoSanum additionally contains vitamin D3 and recently discovered vitamin K2, as well as Shilajit extract for better and proper assimilation of calcium. Vitamin D3 promotes complete absorption of calcium, boosts mineralization of bone tissues and prevents deformation of bones. Vitamin K2 acts as a regulatory substance and directs calcium precisely to those tissues that suffer from its shortage. Besides, vitamin K2 precludes sedimentation of calcium on vessels’ walls and thus protects heart. Shilajit extract accelerates the delivery of calcium into muscles and bone tissues and facilitates improvement of their mineral composition and structure. Unique composition of natural product OsteoSanum creates balance of macro- and microelements in the body, which subsequently strengthens bones, fortifies muscles, improves posture and makes hair and nails healthy and beautiful.


      • Everybody for prevention of calcium and/or vitamin D3 deficiency
      • People over 50, especially women during menopause
      • Those who have fractures
      • Those who take care of their health and, depending on genetic predisposition, want to postpone or avoid osteoporosis
      • To strengthen hair, nails and teeth


      Ingredientsper 1 capsule
      Calcium250 mg
      Vitamin K25 µg
      Vitamin D32.5 µg
      Vitamin B61.4 mg
      Vitamin B122.5 µg
      Folic acid200 µg
      Shilajit extract powder20 mg

      CALCIUM participates in the formation of tissues of bones, teeth, nails and hair. It plays an important part in transmitting nerve impulses, and influences muscles’ performance, facilitating them to contract and relax. Thanks to calcium, muscles become stronger and act as a frame for bones and spine, simultaneously reducing the risk of fractures and bone deformation. 

      VITAMIN K2 regulates the amount of calcium in the body, prevents its penetration into tissues, where it’s not supposed to be present, i.e. directs calcium straight to the bone tissue. It also facilitates formation and restoration of the bone tissue and actively participates in prevention of osteoporosis. Vitamin K2 protects vessels and heart from calcium sedimentation. 

      VITAMIN D3 provides for the ultimate assimilation of calcium. It facilitates normal growth and development of skeleton, prevents osteoporosis, relaxes strained muscles. Helps to stay fit. 

      SHILAJIT EXTRACT contains more than 30 macro- and microelements, vitamins and amino acids that altogether promote full absorption of calcium in the body, as well as bones mineralization. 

      VITAMIN B6 maintains structure of bones and tissues and helps retain calcium in the body. 

      VITAMIN B12 is important for bones formation, improves their density. It also has an impact on muscles’ growth, as it participates in protein metabolism. 

      VITAMIN B9 (folic acid) is just indispensable for proper formation of the fibrous collagen frame, that prevents deformation and crumbliness of bones, helps them stay firm.

      Recommended for adults to take 1 capsule per day during or before meals with water. The first effect of Osteosanum appears after the first month of intake. To achieve permanent results it should be taken continuously (at least 3 - 6 months).

      To achieve better results you can combine it with the following products:
      • Antiox, Detox, Beesk, Mega, D i Guard Nano, Bio-in

      What do I have to know about Vision?

      Vision is one of the world’s leaders in the wellness industry - the industry of healthy life-style. For over 18 years Vision has been manufacturing products for health, longevity, youth and beauty. Vision Company is officially represented in more than 20 countries.

      What do I have to know about biologically active food supplements of Vision?

      Vision biologically active food supplements are natural complexes containing minerals, vitamins, dietary fibers, extracts of medicinal herbs, polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, etc. They make up for the respective deficiencies in nutrition, enhance assimilation of healthy substances, boost internal powers of the body and mitigate the risk of many diseases. According to the scientists and doctors, accurate and regular intake of biologically active food supplements not only allows to retain youth, health and vitality longer. But also significantly improves the quality of life.