Welcome to the Special Care Nursery Air Dry Reborning Paints Range.

This listing is for

A 30ml bottle of our CONCENTRATED FLESH 6 Wash.

The washes are formulated from a variety of pigments and mediums to allow them to be compatible with the vinyl surface of reborn baby parts.

Dries enough to re-coat in around 10 minutes depending on conditions.
 This allows plenty of time to work the paint but there is always an option to add a small amount of our Slow Drying Medium should a longer drying time be preferred - this makes them totally flexible!

Please read full instructions below for optimum information.


Extra bottles posted free with this item - please request a combined invoice BEFORE paying.

This paint system is totally new and are designed to revolutionise the reborning world by making it much easier for beginners to take up this fantastic art with much success.

The paints are also ideal for reborners who are still gaining confidence in mixing colours or simply for those who just don't want the hassle of mixing paints and thinners!

There is a lot of information and instructions further down this listing - if you have the time it is worth the read as it may be extremely useful.

The starter set has been tested by a selection of reborners around the world who have offered valuable feedback on how we could perfect this starter set and we have taken all their comments on board.

Some questions answered.
  • Are they safe? Yes, totally. All the components are tested to British safety standards and do not require any health safety warnings on the labels.

  • Can the paints and thinners be posted? Yes, they are totally non-flammable and unrestricted unlike Odourless mineral thinners which are now illegal and prohibited within the postal system.

  • Do they need to be heat dried? No, they dry quickly in air within 10 minutes – ready to add the next layer.

  • What if I work much slower? No problem, you just need to add a little of our ‘Slow Drying Medium’ and you can adjust the drying time to suit your pace.

  • What if I make a mistake? No problem, whilst they are still wet they will simply wipe off effortlessly with a sponge and water.

  • Do they need a base coat? No, unlike some other air dry paint ranges they are properly formulated to adhere straight to the vinyl. There is no beading or struggling to work the paint onto the vinyl surface.

  • Will the colours stay true? Yes, absolutely. All oil based paints yellow over time depending on how much light they are subjected to – including Genesis paints. Our paints have no oil in at all and the colours will always remain true.

  • Can they rub off over time? Absolutely not! Once set they cannot be rubbed off no matter how hard you might try (I have actually damaged the vinyl on one baby whilst scratching away to test their permanence – the vinyl has a decent scratch on it but the colour is still there!)

  • What if I want to remove paint that has dried? No problem, paint removers will strip the paint off.

  • Why are there such strange colours in the set? The colours are designed from an anatomical aspect. They represent the shades in the layers of real flesh and skin, building up a very natural and realistic look for your reborn babies.

  • What if I want to vary my skin tones? Not a problem. You can vary the amounts of each layer you apply to achieve different looks i.e. more layers of pigment for darker/jaundiced look; more blues and darker reds for newborn and mottled looks.

  • Why are there no ethnic colours? There will be after the New Year. The paints are being released in stages. This starter set enables the easy production of all Caucasian skin tones.

  • What if I want to mix my own colours? The whole range is fully interchangeable. Any of the washes, detailing paints, mediums and pure paints can be mixed with each other.

  • What are ‘Pure Paints’? The bottles in the starter set are ready to use mixes of pure paints, mediums and distilled thinners. A full range of mediums, thinners and pure paints will be available after the New Year. The pure paints are the concentrated pigments (similar to the jars of Genesis paints) which will be available for experienced reborners or those who want to totally experiment and mix all their own paints from scratch for a totally unique look.



We have posted images below of the few examples we have so far and will add more as they arrive.

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 photo PICT0341_zpsec086d27.jpg

The 6 ready-mixed detailing paints in 10ml dropper bottles.

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The 6 ready-mixed washes in 30ml bottles.

Ella by Dollimixtures reborned using the Special Care Nursery Air Dry Reborning Paints - by Elaine Ninnis. photo Ella3_zpsc93a1f31.jpg

Ella by Dollimixtures reborned by Elaine Ninnis - painted using the starter set of paints.

Ella by Dollimixtures reborned using the Special Care Nursery Air Dry Reborning Paints - by Elaine Ninnis. photo Ella2_zps40758570.jpg

Ella by Dollimixtures reborned by Elaine Ninnis - painted using the starter set of paints.

GRAHAM BY JOANNA KAZMIERCZAK - reborned with Special Care Nursery Air Dry Reborning Paints (Beginner set) by Elaine Ninnis. photo IMG_0010_zpsb2465174.jpg

Graham by Joanna Kazmierczak reborned by Elaine Ninnis - painted using the starter set of paints.

GRAHAM BY JOANNA KAZMIERCZAK - reborned with Special Care Nursery Air Dry Reborning Paints (Beginner set) by Elaine Ninnis. photo IMG_0021_zps7a5e4960.jpg

Graham by Joanna Kazmierczak reborned by Elaine Ninnis - painted using the starter set of paints.

 photo 1453547_555073911232085_1942540156_n_zps62167ca7.jpg

Nils Legler reborned by April Yap - painted using the starter set of paints.

Belly Plate painted by April Yap whilst testing Special Care Nursery Air Dry Paints for reborning. photo 994594_10202301546721541_484712796_n_zpsd23ceef3.jpg

Fantastic belly plate painted simply with the starter set of paints by April Yap.

Belly Plate painted by April Yap whilst testing Special Care Nursery Air Dry Paints for reborning. photo 1004643_10202301546961547_650811866_n_zps74fbcebb.jpg

Fantastic belly plate painted simply with the starter set of paints by April Yap.

Special Care Nursery Air dry paints for reborning



We were inspired to develop these paints for many reasons but the primary reasons being health worries, ease of use and cost!

Although most vinyl kits are now phthalphate and lead free we really do not know for sure what health risks may arise from continued exposure to heating the vinyl parts when setting the heat dry oil paints. My main concern was for my family – I did not want to find out down the line that I had damaged them in any way by exposing them to fumes that may be revealed as toxic in some way.

I wanted paints that were non-toxic and dried without heat. I wanted them to be easy to use, versatile and flexible. Most of all I wanted quality without the expense!

After over a year of research, investigation, experimentation and recently trial runs – I am finally happy with the range we developed and are thrilled to be able to share them with you J

There is information available on all the ranges and mediums along with basic information and instructions for use.

We are sure you will be as happy with them as we are but if you have any further questions or queries we will be more than happy to help.

Enjoy them!

Warmest regards,

Gill x


Special Care Nursery Air dry paints for reborning

The paint range

The paint range consists of:-

·       Washes

·       Detailing paints

·       Pure paint

·       Mediums


These washes are available in 3oml bottles and are ready to use. They are available in a number of shades and are designed for application with a damp sponge. They consist of a combination of pigments and mediums with the specific ability to stick to vinyl providing subtle results that can built upon – layer after layer. There are neutralising shades along with a variety of washes for building up a variety of skin tones. (Ethnic skin tones are not tested yet but should be available before Christmas).

The washes can be used as they are but are also fully mixable with other paints and mediums in the range if you want to tweak the shades, texture, consistency or drying time. The washes are a perfect product for beginners or those who are not confident with mixing colours or those who do not want to waste time constantly mixing their paints. They also provide a wonderful base for those who like to experiment.


Detailing paints

These paints are bottled in 10ml bottles with tamper proof lids. They have a ‘dropper stopper’ that allows you to add drops of paint to your palette to avoid waste. You can remove this stopper and use straight from the bottle if preferred. They are designed to be used with a brush and again consist of a mixture of pigments and mediums for direct application to the vinyl but can also be mixed with any of the products from the range.

The detailing paints are slightly thicker in consistency and not as ‘watery’. They are lightly pigmented like the washes which makes them subtle and easy to use.

They are available in colour ranges for creases, eyelids, veining, nail tips and lips. I am considering paints for blemishes, cuts, milk spots and stork bites – depending on demand J


Pure Paints

These are basically as the title! Sold in 10ml pots these are the paints without any mediums added. Small amounts can be used to add to the bottles of washes or detailing paints for changing or enhancing the base shades.

Alternatively they can be mixed from scratch (similar to mixing Genesis paints) with mediums and/or distilled thinner for unique shades, viscosity and texture. The colours are all similar to the colours in the Genesis paint range including most Genesis reborning shades.


The air dry paints are basically water based but they cannot be mixed with just water. If you want to mix your own from the pure paint you will need to mix in other mediums from the range. The mediums are:-

·       Distilled water thinner – for dilution*

·       Bonding medium – responsible for making the paint stick!

·       Thinning medium – Dilutes the colour, not the consistency.

·       Thick medium – For maintaining texture e.g. with eyebrows.

·       Slow drying medium – Extends the drying time of the paint.

·       Matte varnish

·       Satin varnish

·       Gloss varnish

*Distilled water thinner is highly recommended for diluting the pure paints. Tap water has many additives and impurities that may affect the pigments over time. It can form a scum on the paint, develop an awful smell and can even grow mould L

Bottled drinking water and filtered water still contain trace elements and minerals that may also affect the paint over time so are not recommended either. These same adverse effects can also occur over time with de-ionised water which is purer than the others but not as pure as distilled water which is literally condensed steam.

Instructions on all the mediums are available in the instruction leaflet although most of them are self explanatory.



Washes - £3.95 for 30mls (£20.00 for 6 x 30mls bottles – starter set offer.) Individual prices £23.70 (saving £3.70).

Detailing paint - £3.50 for 10mls (£18 for 6 x 10mls dropper bottles – starter set offer.) Individual prices £21.00 (saving £3.00).

Combined set of both washes and detailing paints for only £35.00 saving a massive £9.70 on individual prices!!

Pure paint - £3.50 for 10mls

Mediums - £2.75 for a 10ml dropper bottle; £4.25 for a 30ml bottle.

Postage will be £3.25 within the UK regardless of quantity.


Instructions for using the Special Care Nursery air dry paints for reborning

Thank you for choosing our paints for your reborning – we are sure you will enjoy using them and that you will be pleased with how easy to use they are. They are totally versatile and are suited to reborn artists of all skill levels. They are specifically designed to work well on vinyl with the correct, easy preparation!

They are safe and quick to use – no baking required to set and no potential health risks from fumes for yourself or your family.

The following information provides guidelines for use, allowing you to be flexible and introduce your own artistic skills.


Unlike a lot of air dry paints the paints are totally compatible with the vinyl surface making them permanent. They will not fade, rub off or yellow (over time oil paints can yellow depending on a lack of continued light source) so their colour will remain true. However, they do not mix with oil so it is essential your vinyl parts are oil free before you start. Any oils or impurities can easily be removed by wiping over all parts with odourless thinners and a clean cosmetic wedge/sponge.

If you are using these paints purely for health reasons and do not want to use any odourless thinners, it is absolutely fine to ‘bath’ your vinyl parts in washing up liquid (this is more suitable than ‘baby bath’ which isn’t as powerful at de-greasing). If you are cleaning the vinyl this way please ensure that you only wash the outside of the parts – if water gets inside the parts it may not dry properly and can form mouldy patches that can show through.

Make sure you keep your hands oil/grease free and work in a dust free environment away from lint or pet hairs!

Applying the washes

The washes form the basis of all the skin tones. They are made with no added chemicals – they have an oudour similar to emulsion paint which is normal. They are a combination of pigments, mediums and distilled water thinners specifically designed to adhere to vinyl. They are designed to build layers of the natural tones in real baby flesh and do not contain a ‘flesh’ colour paint which can be ‘flat’ and not as realistic. They can be used straight from the bottle (add a small amount to a palette or ramekin and dab all over with a clean damp sponge) or can be thinned down if preferred with distilled water and bonding medium (these items are available separately or as a readymade combination for simplicity). They can be mixed together (e.g. mint and blue wash mixed together in varying amounts to make unique colours and shades or they can be made thicker by adding small amounts of ‘pure paint’ in the same shade or another shade to change the colour to suit your preferences. They dry quickly – in around 10 minutes so the next coat can be applied almost straight away. If they dry too quickly for you, one drop of slow drying medium can be added to 5 drops of paint – don’t add more than this or the paint may not dry.

Shake/mix well – the pigments and mediums will separate – this is normal. (The bonding medium will froth on shaking so it may be easier to mix with a small brush when the bottles are still full as the bubbles make shaking more difficult due to lack of space – don’t use a large brush when the bottle is full – it may overflow.)



IMPORTANT! Degrease all vinyl ideally with odourless thinners (i.e. Bob Ross), alternatively neat washing up liquid.

If using washing up liquid – Rinse thoroughly with plain water and allow to dry.

Shake/mix well – the pigments and mediums will separate – this is normal.

Apply to a clean, DAMP/WET sponge with a brush (blotting to remove excess if needed) - dab all over vinyl parts.

Apply mint wash layers to tone down pink/red vinyl to a natural skin tone.

Apply blue wash to tone down orange coloured vinyl to a natural skin tone.

Add extra blue layers to give a deep venous tint to the flesh shade.

Add a ‘pigment wash’ now – this gives depth to the skin tones and replicates fat layers and melanin pigments.

Add layers of mottling shades with a WET sea sponge or pluck out ‘holes’ from a WET cosmetic wedge and dab lightly for mottled appearance.

Add extra layers of mottling wash shades to cheeks, feet elbows etc.

Apply detailing paints with a WET brush. Add more blue wash or pigmented wash if required.

REPLACE LIDS when not in use – they WILL eventually dry out if not.

Keep brushes and sponges wet or clean as the paint will set on them.

Applying the detailing paints

These paints are fairly self explanatory. They are applied with a clean, damp brush to simulate veins and to creases, eyelids, lips, nails, nail tips and brows. Shake/mix well and ALWAYS replace the caps. The dropper top can be removed if required but do replace as it keeps the bottle air tight when the lid is replaced.

They are of a thicker consistency to avoid ‘bleeding’ but are still subtle and can be used directly from the bottle or mixed with other paints/mediums in the range in the same way the washes can.

All the products in the range are interchangeable!

Have fun experimenting! If you have any further questions please do ask.

Warmest regards

Gill x