Little Hotties Handwarmers

40 Pairs (1 sealed box)

Little Hotties hand warmers are an odourless, environmentally safe heat source
that provide warmth and comfort in all cold conditions for approximately 8 hours.

Little Hotties have an average activated temperature of 135°F (57°C) and can be
used by athletes, outdoor enthusiasts, sportsmen, spectators, skiers,
construction workers and anyone who wants warm hands.

Open it: Remove the pouch from the plastic wrapper. Do not open the cloth pouch.                                                                  
Shake it: To activate the contents shake for a couple of seconds.                                                                                                    
Stuff it: Place Little Hotties in an enclosed area such as a jacket pocket or gloves to maximise heat efficiency                     

Dimensions: 3.5” x 2” x  .25” each