Healing orgone energy generator ~ Quartz pyramid with 7 orgone chakra crystal points 

Quartz pyramid with 7 orgone chakra wand directional points


Beneficial for cleansing, healing, meditation, reiki etc

The resin in organite shrinks during the process squeezing the crystals inside which creates a piezoelectric effect, this means the ends become polarized electrically. The crystals embedded in the resin become energised which in turn increases the power, making it great to work with. 

Orgone energy ~ clears negative energy, purifies the atmosphere, re aligns the chakras, creates balance and harmony, turns negative into positive.

Orgone means life force, chi, prana, 

Total size approx 9.5 cm x 9.5 cm

May be slight variations, as it is a multiple listing and they are handmade

Quartz - a stone of harmony, brings balance to your life, great for meditation, gives clarity to thoughts and aids problem solving enabling you to focus more. 


Healing benefits - a most powerful healing stone, useful for any condition, stimulates the immune system, bringing the body back into balance

The seven orgone chakra points are ~ 

Base chakra ~ Red Jasper ~ survival, self preservation and security

Emotionally balanced ~ grounded, healthy, stable and assertive.

Emotionally unbalanced ~ insecure, fearful, aggressive, controlling and lacks confidence.

Affirmation ~ 'I have the right to be me exactly as I am'

Sanskrit name and meaning ~ Muladhara ~ stillness

Sacral chakra ~ Carnelian ~ emotions and sexuality

Emotionally balanced ~ open and friendly, has respect for oneself and others

Emotionally unbalanced ~ withdrawn, feelings of guilt and over dependant

Affirmation ~ 'I am enough, what I do is enough, what I have is enough'

Sanskrit name and meaning ~ svadhisthana ~ sweetness

Solar plexus chakra ~ Yellow jasper ~ self respect, personal power and confidence

Emotionally balanced ~ confident, optimistic and alert

Emotionally unbalanced ~ pessimistic, over sensitive, aggressive

Affirmation ~ 'I love and respect myself at all times'

Sanskrit name and meaning ~ manipura ~ city of jewels

Heart chakra ~ Green aventurine ~ love, peace and balance

Emotionally balanced ~ generous, loving and compassionate

Emotionally unbalanced ~ bitter, jealous, fearful of commitment/betrayal

Affirmation ~ 'I am willing to love everything about myself'

Sanskrit name and meaning ~ Anahata ~ unstruck sound

Throat chakra ~ Lapis lazuli ~ communication and self expression

Emotionally balanced ~ truthful, loyal and calm

Emotionally unbalanced ~ untrustworthy, cold and unable to express emotions

Affirmation ~ 'everything I do is an expression of love'

Sanskrit name and meaning ~ Vishuddha ~ purification

Third eye chakra ~ Turquoise howlite~ intuition and wisdom

Emotionally balanced ~ intuitive and clear sighted

Emotionally unbalanced ~ scatter minded, inability to trust intuition and inconsiderate

Affirmation ~ 'I trust whatever comes to me is for my greatest good'

Sanskrit name and meaning ~ Anja ~ command

Crown chakra ~ Amethyst ~ Divine peace, inner wisdom and oneness

Emotionally balanced ~ spiritual awareness, empathy and knowledge of the self

Emotionally unbalanced ~ depressed and confused

Affirmation ~ 'I am divinely protected and guided'

Sanskrit name and meaning ~ Sahasrarra ~ thousandfold

As this is a multiple listing there may be slight variations in colour/size etc

Combined postage offered check out my other items!

Photos~ We have tried our best to take accurate photos using a digital camera but as always with photos their might be a slight variation in colour.


Despatching~ We dispatch item/s daily, except Sundays and holidays. Please allow 15-20 days for delivery.


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Email address ~ Please feel free to email any time jsindianbazaar@hotmail.co.uk