This is the last of my Leica lenses to sell (while keeping only Noctilux ASPH).

This legendary 35mm ASPH is actually my first M lens. I bought it brand new in May 2011 from Dale Photo when I acquired my used M9 on eBay. I had really great time with this lens in SFC and when I first moved to Paris in 2012. However over time 50mm became my language and I used other focal lengths less and less. Having sold 18mm, 75mm and 90mm in the past couple of months, finding a new home for 35mm is the last task for me.
I'm also throwing in the B+W ND 0.9 filter for free. I kept it on Summicron 35mm not for protection, but rather to allow for shooting wide open (F2.0) in daytime outdoors. You should use it as well as stopping down a Summicron when shooting is border-line a crime.

I'm living in Paris now. This lens is held by my good friend Evan living in SFC. He will ship it out for me from SFC after the bid is closed.