Orgonite Keyring

The steel capsule is filled with a copper coil surrounded by a mix of resin, shungite, clear quartz 
and aluminium swarf.

All the components work together in balancing the harmful effects of electromagnetic frequencies 
(EMF) and the radiation emitted (EMR) by domestic electrical devices such as mobile phones, 
computers, microwave ovens and TV's. 

We live in a world of unseen detrimental energies, a sea of radiation exists from Wifi alone. 
When in range of a source of low level EMR, the human energy field gets disrupted. This has an 
impact on the body at a cellular level, at the very least this imbalance can cause nausea, headaches, 
lethargy and prolonged exposure possibly leading to chronic illness.

The Orgonite Keychain will continuously and efficiently attract, breakdown and balance these 
unseen detrimental frequencies, giving some degree of protection to the human energy field and 
immune system.

Paypal only please.
Postage on all UK orders is free. 

You can find Love Orgone Art trading at Greenwich Craft Market, SE London Friday & Saturday