New Native American Imitation Immature Golden Eagle Bustle

This is a 56 feather bustle. It contains 56 imitation immature golden eagle feathers which are legal for anyone to have. The feathers are professionally dyed by Two Eagles. The bustle contains 8 inch long wooden dowels. The two main support dowels has braided horsehair. The 5 inch cowhide beaded spreader is hand beaded. The bustle also has a trailer that features fringe and mirrors along the bottom. The over all size of this bustle is 37+ inches wide and about 54 inches long. The bustle will be mailed folded and wired to a mirror box for easy shipping. All you have to do it take it out of the box, add the spreader, and then tie it on to start dancing. No assembly required.

Two Eagles is a Certified Indian Artist, and tribal citizen of The Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe.