Each tools under goes a rigorous test by the manufacturer before release and is made to Japanese quality standards.

These cutters are used for the removal of larger branches and are designed to leave a "hollow" cut, allowing for faster healing of the wound.  

The straight razor sharp blades cut off to one side to make access into Bonsai very easy. The jaws and handles are very powerful and resist flexing even under extreme load. Use to make heavy cuts, removing branches and stubs, dressing old cuts and in initial pruning of raw material when creating Bonsai.

Branch Cutter 180mm,which should be able to cut dead branches up to 0.5cm or 0.7cm for live branches. if you need to cut the big branch, we also have size 210mm which can cut up to 0.8cm for dead branched or 1.0cm for live branches. 

Good for tight spots, smaller branches, even new shoots or buds.