Automatic, shooting, electric cigarette machine

Same principle like Powermatic II machine (not spring, but shooting piston).

Makes a Great Cigarette with Ease, Speed & Consistency!

If you need something bigger and quicker than this please check our biggest and fastest GOLDEN RAINBOW Machine

This automatic cigarette rolling machine is one of the best on the market. It uses the spoon fed method and is very easy to use. Just attach your favorite cigarette tube, fill the tobacco chamber and pull the lever down. Just like that, you'll have a nice, evenly packed cigarette ready to go. It features a large hopper so you don't have to keep refilling your tobacco when making large amounts of cigarettes and a side tray to catch your excess tobacco. Makes King size or 100's cigarettes. Made of top quality materials

Available colour: BLACK

It does not need much time for the operator to pack the tobacco before rolling a cigarette compared to other inject machines, and it can fill the cigarette tube completely and tightly. What is more, the cigarette machine has a protect circuit: If you pack the chamber with too much tobacco and make the machine choked, the machine will not jam. Just press the "reset" button and   the machine will work normally again.
  • Works with all tobacco cuts, including shred and pipe tobacco
  • Approximately 40 cigarette hopper capacity
  • Fully automatic Injection method via “press, cut, inject”
  • Production speed well above 10 cigarettes per minute
  • PLC (computer chip) controlled mechanism to prevent motor overload