



Benefits of Thundershirt:

Thundershirt is a terrific solution for many types of anxiety…noise, crate, travel, stranger, separation and more. Thundershirt is a pressure wrap that applies a gentle, constant pressure and has a calming effect on a dog's nervous system. Many dogs show improvement with the very first usage; other take 2-3 applications. Over 85% of Thundershirt customers show significant improvement for at least one of their anxiety symptoms. Inexpensive, non-intrusive, effective, and will definitely "Do no Harm"...Thundershirt truly is the anxiety solution to try first.

How It Works

Thundershirt’s patent-pending design is a pressure wrap that applies a gentle, constant pressure on a dog’s torso.  From real world experience, we know with certainty that Thundershirt DOES WORK. That is why we are able to offer a money-back guarantee.  A survey of Thundershirt users shows that over 85% of dogs show significant improvement in anxiety symptoms when using Thundershirt. 

As for WHY Thundershirt's gentle pressure works to calm a dog…no one knows for sure.  There are theories, but no scientific studies to prove them.  According to some experts such as Dr. Temple Grandin, pressure has a calming effect on the nervous systemUsing pressure to relieve anxiety has been a common practice for years.  For example:

Until now, there just hasn’t been a well-designed, inexpensive pressure wrap commonly used for canine anxiety.  Thundershirt intends to change that!

How To Use Thundershirt

Thundershirt is an excellent treatment for most types of canine anxiety.  For many anxieties, we recommend just putting on a Thundershirt and observing the results (No training!)…You very well may see significant improvement for noise, crate, travel, barking and others with absolutely no training.  For more complicated anxiety cases, we recommend using Thundershirt as part of a behavior modification program.

One thing is for certain, for a very large percentage of dogs, Thundershirt’s gentle, constant pressure has a terrific calming effect.  This has obvious benefits for most types of anxiety.  But Thundershirt is also a very useful tool for managing excitability or hyperactivity with strangers, on the leash, or in a training environment.   Thundershirt’s calming effect helps a dog to focus (or refocus) her energies in a more constructive direction, allowing training to be more effective.

Selecting the Correct Size Thundershirt

Size Chart

Size Chest Size Weight
X-Small 13" - 18" 10-18 lbs
Small 16" - 23" 15-25 lbs
Medium 18" - 26" 20-50 lbs
Large 24" - 32" 40-70 lbs

Smaller & Larger sizes available, please contact seller. thank you

Introducing Thundershirt to Your Dog, and How to Put It On
Before putting Thundershirt on your dog for the first time, we recommend offering a small amount of food to your dog using the Thundershirt as a “plate”.   Dogs typically become more comfortable and trusting of something that “brings” them food or anything that they associate with food.  So this is an easy little trick to quickly create a positive association with Thundershirt for your dog.

Thundershirt has been developed to be very easy to put on.  Just lay it over your dog’s back and secure with the chest and torso straps.  The Velcro fasteners make Thundershirt very adjustable to many different body shapes. 

Step 1. Place the Thundershirt on your dog’s back and wrap the Short Flap under the torso.  
Step 2. Wrap the Long Flap under the torso and secure with Velcro onto the short flap.  Make a comfortable, but snug, fit.  You should be able to easily slide your fingers between the Thundershirt and your dog’s torso.
Step 3. Wrap the Top Flap down onto the Long Flap and secure with Velcro.  Adjust to improve the snug fit and keep Thundershirt securely in place.
Step 4. Wrap the Chest Straps around the front of the dog and secure with Velcro.  You should be able to easily slide your fingers under the Chest Straps and should not feel restricting around your dog’s neck.



Leash Pulling / Reactivity / General Hyperactivity or Excitability
Thundershirt’s calming effects can greatly reduce issues related to walking on leash, reactivity, or just general hyperactivity and excitability.  For example, Thundershirt has been used with terrific results for dogs that become overly excited when visitors arrive at their home.  Thundershirt has been used to calm dogs on leashes and allow the dog to be more focused on the owner’s “requests”. 


Crate Anxiety
As with noise and travel anxieties, a Thundershirt alone may be enough to solve your issues.  The use of Thundershirt alone has eliminated or significantly reduced symptoms such as severe shaking, panting, barking/whining, "digging" or chewing.    

Thundershirt is the simplest solution for fixing problem barking.  Thundershirt's gentle, constant pressure has a tremendous calming effect, and this calming effect may be all you need to eliminate the problem barking.  Or if necessary for your dog's particular issue, Thundershirt can be an important part of a simple training program.  See below for more information.  But please don't shock or spray your dog for problem most cases that will only bring about bigger problems!!!

With over an 85% success rate and a money-back guarantee, why not try Thundershirt for your dog's problem barking?

General Training Tool
Dogs often become excited or distracted during training sessions, especially if in a multi-dog classroom environment.  Thundershirt can help tremendously in those circumstances to reduce excitability, reactivity, and help focus the dogs on the training exercises.


Depending on the severity of your dog’s travel anxiety, a Thundershirt alone may be enough to solve your issues.  The use of Thundershirt alone has eliminated or significantly reduced symptoms such as severe shaking, panting, excitability, barking and even vomiting. 



Separation anxiety can be an extremely challenging issue to manage and is often very stressful...for both the dog and her owners.  Depending on the severity of your dog’s separation anxiety, a Thundershirt alone may be enough to solve your issues.  The use of Thundershirt alone has eliminated or significantly reduced symptoms such as excessive barking/whining, destructive chewing, severe shaking, panting, indoor elimination, destructive clawing, and even seizures. 
With over an 85% success rate and a money-back guarantee, why not try Thundershirt for your dog's separation anxiety?


Veterinarian Endorsements

“We’ve been using Thundershirt at my clinic, and the feedback from our clients is very positive.  Thundershirt is a good alternative solution to try versus medications.  And it will definitely 'Do no harm'.” 
    ~  Dr. Donald Heagren, DVM, Cornwallis Road Animal Hospital, Durham, North Carolina.

" Overwhelmingly, Thundershirt has been a success with our initial cases for thunderstorms and fireworks.”  
    ~ Dr. Mark Guise, DVM, Lockwillow Avenue Animal Hospital, Harrisburg, PA.


“I have used Thundershirt with my own dog and have seen a real improvement with her fear of thunderstorms and other loud noises.  I am now recommending Thundershirt to my clients with good results.”
    ~ Dr. Joanne Baldwin, DVM, Cardinal Animal Hospital, Richmond, VA.

Over 350 veterinary clinics across the country are recommending Thundershirts to their clients.  Below is just a partial list of some other veterinarians who endorse Thundershirts:
   Dr. Sheila Taylor, DVM, Springfield, MO
   Dr. Michel Hardaker, DVM, Albany, NY
   Dr. James Kenyon, DVM, Cedar Falls, IA
   Dr. Karen Krause, DVM, Albany, NY
   Dr. Clif Paulsen, DVM, Cedar Falls, IA
   Dr. Monique Matherne, DVM, Alexandria, LA
   Dr. Christina Elster, DVM, Pineville, LA
   Dr. David McGraw, DVM, Alexandria, LA
   Dr. John Stevenson, DVM, Averdeen, WA

Trainer Endorsements


"In my experience as a Certified Pet Dog Trainer and dog owner, the Thundershirt can dramatically relieve a dog’s noise related anxieties associated with thunderstorms, fireworks, etc.  The even, gentle pressure of the Thundershirt can refocus the dog to a more relaxed, calmer state.  Using the Thundershirt to relieve the symptoms of noise anxiety is a good alternative to medications and at $36, it’s a terrific value."
     ~ Jenn Merritt, CPDT, Efland, NC,



“As a Physical Therapist and Tellington TTouch Instructor, I frequently teach about the effectiveness of pressure wraps to reduce anxiety and fear responses in dogs.  The Thundershirt is the perfect tool for calming dogs who suffer from noise phobia, anxiety, and other fear related issues.   My personal experience using the Thundershirt with my own dogs has been very positive, and I happen to live in Oklahoma where storms are both frequent and dramatic!  Thank you for providing this valuable product to help dogs cope with these environmental stressors.”
    ~ Kathy Cascade, PT, International TTouch Instructor,


Noise Anxiety

“Dear Thundershirt, First, I want to thank you for donating Thundershirts to SPCA International's Operation Baghdad Pups Program. Your generosity and interest in this program is most appreciated. Second, my puppy, Tarmiyah, received one of these Thundershirts. It works great for my little girl. She is named after the Iraqi town in which she was rescued.  The loud noises from the gunfire and bombings scared her there.  When she arrived at my home in the USA, her fear of loud noises came with her.  Thunderstorms, fireworks, and my vacuum cleaner now frighten her. She was receptive to the Thundershirt when I fitted her with it, and within minutes, she was calm.  Last night there was a severe thunderstorm in my area.  When I put on her Thundershirt, she didn't try to hide behind my legs or curl up on my lap.  She just laid on her part of the sofa and remained relaxed and calm.   This is great idea you came up with.  Thank you again!”  ~  Rebecca

“Before receiving her Thundershirt, Rage would shake drool and actually broke through a window last year breaking her leg trying  to "escape" from a thunderstorm.  After putting Thundershirt on her, wonder of wonders, during the next storm she actually laid down and was chewing her Nylabone, not paying any attention at all to the storm.  It was like a miracle! I strongly recommend the Thundershirt for any dog that has anxiety issues. It is wonderful!   
     ~ AB, Cleveland, Ohio

Reactive Barking
 “Thundershirt has an amazing effect on our two Shi Tsu’s…Elli and Emma.  Anytime visitors come to our home, they will bark nearly non-stop with Elli being the “ring leader”.  Most times, we would have to confine them in a back room until our guests left.  But Thundershirt has had an almost immediate effect…within seconds after putting it on, Elli is much more relaxed and the barking quickly subsides.  She’s happy with her tail wagging and she’s able to be a polite and QUIET member of the group!”  ~ BB, Durham, NC  

Separation Anxiety


“My Yorkie, Rufus, would be so keyed up with separation anxiety that he would then suffer from serious diarrhea.   After thorough vet examination found no medical issues, so my veterinarian suggested that this must be separation anxiety.  We inherited him 8 months ago after the passing of a parent who was with him all the time.  Anyway, I put the Thundershirt on him in the morning at 6 AM when I leave the house - and he rests peacefully with no panting, shaking, pacing or panicking.  At noon when the dog walker comes, she removes it.  She takes him for  a walk and around 4pm when I come home, Rufus is a happy calm dog.  In the middle of the night - if it starts to rain, thunder, or there is street noise and he starts to get unsettled, pace, pant, bark - I simply reach for one of his three Thundershirts (I keep one next to the bed),  put it on Rufus and he settles right down within a minute and falls back to sleep.  I can do all this in the dark without turning on lights and waking up my husband.  It is truly a miracle for all three of us and we cannot thank you enough.” ~MM, Baltimore, MD



“My vet recommended that we try Thundershirt for our Cocker Spaniel.  He was having seizures everyday from separation anxiety and medications were not helping enough.   Thundershirt has decreased his seizures considerably.”  ~AT, Rock Hill, SC




Travel Anxiety


“Enzo, our American Pit Bull Terrier, wears his in the car and it  definitely helps take the edge off of his anxiety. He pants and drools and shakes a lot less.”  ~KC,


“Several months ago, Sammy became frantic while riding in our motor home and nothing I did calmed him down (he had previously been a great rider, while all 3 of my other Bostons showed signs of mild anxiety).  I purchased a Thundershirt for Sammy, as well as some herbs from my vet. Gave the herbs to all 4 dogs and put the Thundershirt on Sammy as well.  He was almost back to his normal self!   During the latter part of the trip one of the other dogs became more anxious, so we transferred the Thundershirt to him and he calmed down, while Sammy remained calm!  I'm now awaiting the arrival of the 3 other Thundershirts that I ordered for my other dogs!”  ~ WW, Polk City, FL


 Surgery/ Procedure Anxiety


“When my 6-year-old German Shepherd had surgery for a benign cyst in August she was very stressed. She is a long coated dog and when they shaved the area, even the air touching her skin upset her.  She started to pant, shake, sniff and lick the area.  I thought of the Thundershirt we use for thunder anxiety and put in on her. It was amazing how calm she became immediately.  I called and had another Thundershirt overnighted to me.  The surgery was the following day. For ten days I kept her in the Thundershirts .  Anytime I took it off she became stressed again.  I don't know how I would have gotten through that time without the security she found in her Thundershirt.” ~ LA, Wheatley Heights, NY.



Obsessive/ Compulsive Behaviors


“The navy base in Lemoore, CA recommended that we try Thundershirt.  Our breed has obsessive compulsive disorder and was constantly running in a circle and chasing tail -even with medications.  
But with her Thundershirt on, it is greatly reduced and we couldn't believe the difference!   She even likes us to put it on her now.  She wears it most of the day. We don't have to have it on her while she is sleeping or while going for a walk or run outside.  This has been such a blessing!  When we take it off, she starts spinning again.”  ~DR, Lemoore, CA


"Jack Russels are pretty high strung but even Elvis (that’s his name) wasn’t "All Shook Up" during the last storm after spending a few minutes in his Thundershirt"
   ~BG, Edison, NJ
 “Dear Sirs: Just to let you know that my 16 month dog is your new “THUNDERDOG!" He is wearing his Thundershirt contently through the rambunctious summer storms here in Miami. Last night he looked at the lightning for a while then fell asleep in his Thundershirt. Looks like we are prepared for the hurricane season. Gentle product. Congratulations.”
   ~ PW, Miami, FL

“My dog, Baxter, the Sweetie Wheatie Wheaton, has the Thundershirt and it works great. He is much calmer and more relaxed during t-storms and fireworks! 
    ~ DV, Orlando, FL
"Hi! I want to report that the thunder shirt worked amazingly well for my dog the very first time we tried it (Sunday). I was very pleasantly surprised because while I was hopeful, I really didn't think that it would work!"
  ~ CN, Winston-Salem, NC
“I purchased the Thundershirt in hopes of trying it out on our darling girl, Sophia Rose.  She gets anxious when loud noises occur such as fireworks or thunderstorms.  And believe it or not, one night last week we had a thunderstorm so I put the Thundershirt on her and to my surprise Sophia Rose stayed calm!”  ~ KW, Seattle, WA  

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