Arctic Alumina (only for chipset, not for CPU, is a permanent adhesive)

Set of two tubes of adhesive : 2 x 2.5 grams with a plastic reusable mixing wand

Premium Ceramic Thermal Compound


Premium Ceramic Content:

Arctic Alumina uses a layered composite of three unique shapes and sizes of ceramic particles to maximize particle-to-particle contact area and thermal transfer. This exclusive combination provides performance exceeding most metal based compounds.

Controlled Triple Phase Viscosity:
Arctic Alumina does not contain any silicone. The suspension fluid is a proprietary mixture of advanced polysynthetic oils that work together to provide three distinctive functional phases. As it comes from the syringe, Arctic Alumina's consistency is engineered for easy application in a thin even layer. During the CPU's initial use, the compound thins out to enhance the filling of the microscopic valleys and ensure the best physical contact between the heatsink and the CPU core. Then the compound thickens slightly over the next 50 to 200 hours of use to its final consistency designed for long-term stability.

NOTE: (This should not be confused with conventional phase change pads that are pre-attached to many heatsinks. Those pads melt each time they get hot then re-solidify when they cool. The viscosity changes that Arctic Alumina goes through are much more subtle and ultimately much more effective.)

Absolute Stability:

Arctic Alumina will not separate, run, migrate, or bleed.

Electrical Insulator:

Arctic Alumina does not contain any metal or other electrically conductive materials. It is a pure electrical insulator, neither electrically conductive nor capacitive.


Average Particle Size:
<0.39 micron <0.000015 inch (65 particles lined up in a row equal 1/1000th of an inch.


Temperature Limits:

Peak: –40°C to >160°C
Long-Term: –40°C to 125°C


Coverage Area:

1.75-gram syringe. (Approximately 1cc)
At a layer 0.003" thick, one syringe will cover about 24 square inches.

14-gram syringe. (Approximately 9cc)
At a layer 0.003" thick, one syringe will cover about 192 square inches.

Français(uniquement pour les chipset non adapté pour les CPU)

Kit de deux tubes : 2 x 2,5 grammes à mixer avec une spatule plastique fournie
qui est réutilisable

L'Artic Alumina Thermal Adhesive est une pâte thermique adhésive permanente à utiliser entre un chipset et son radiateur. L'Arctic Alumina Thermal Adhesive fait appel à un composite à base de nitrure de bore et d'oxyde d'aluminium qui joue aussi le rôle d'isolant électrique. Ce produit de haute technologie assure une parfaite conduction thermique et une grande stabilité de comportement dans le temps.

Principales caractéristiques :
  • Utilisation uniquement avec les chipset
  • 2 composants A et B (2,5 grammes chacun)
  • Parfaite tenue dans le temps
  • Conducteur thermique et isolant électrique
  • Pics : –40°C jusqu'à  >160°C
  • Long terme: – 40°C jusqu'à 125°C