Apple ii Camera MicronEye  Micron Eye Vintage Very Rare very good condition 

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acheté 4000 francs en 1983

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A Digital Camera for the Apple II's from 1983?
Yes, it was known as the MicronEye. Not the digital cameras we have available
today, the MicronEye was still an impressive hardware and software bundle from
1983 for use with both the Apple II+ and Apple IIe. I'm sure many veteran Apple
II users that read this post might even have had, used or still have the
MicronEye in their Apple II hardware collection. Offered for it's historical
information value with premission this Apple II historical addition to the
Internet should prove useful for most any Apple II hardware and software
computer hobbist to visit and review. Perhaps some of you might even have an
interest in developing a prototype card and updated software from the
information provided.
Thanks to an avid Apple II hobbist named Jim, who created the html documents and
sent to me to find a good home for it all, the complete MicronEye manual, basic
and assembly program listings, source code, example digitized graphics (in GIF
and JPG) with full documentation are available with the MicronEye program disk
archive. All nicely formatted in html documents with links to each option,
function and program listings, I expect many of you will appreciate its through
Check it all out with the detailed schematics,original digitized graphic
examples and the complete links to all there is on the MicronEye digital camera
system for the Apple II.  A total of 2.2 MB's it is very complete in every
I would suggest you access the url for fastest access. The url was provided by Dr. Tom as a backup site only for it. Other
Apple II users, Apple II historical website host and hardware hobbist are also
welcomed to provide the entire MicronEye folder and its contents if they wish
without restrictions.
Color High Resolution Graphics
Lifted from a post on comp.sys.apple2 usenet newsgroup by
the information included below is not inclusive with MicronEye information. But,
might be of equal interest to some hacker trying to enhance the MicronEye
software programs or develop their own prototype card to include color HR
graphics support.
Every 2 bytes in memory:
        00 = Black      00 = Black    00 = Black      00 = Black
        10 = Blue/Mag.  10 = Blue/Mag.10 = Blue/Mag.  10 = Blue/Mag.
        01 = Or./Green  01 = Or./Green01 = Or./Green  01 = Or./Green
        11 = White      11 = White    11 = White      11 = White
            |               |             |               |
        +---+---+       +---+---+     +---+---+       +---+---+
        |       |       |       |     |       |       |       |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
|CG |C6 |C5 |C4 |C3 |C2 |C1 |C0 | |CG |C13|C12|C11|C10|C9 |C8 |C7 |
|128|64 |32 |16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 | |128|64 |32 |16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
  | |   |       |       |           |         |       |       |   |
  | +-+-+       +---+---+           |         +---+---+       +-+-+
 0 1  |             |              0 1            |             |
 = =  |       00 = Black           = =      00 = Black          |
 M O  |       10 = Blue/Magenta    M O      10 = Blue/Magenta   |
 a r  |       01 = Orange/Green    a r      01 = Orange/Green   |
 g a  |       11 = White           g a      11 = White          |
 e n  |                            e n                          |
 n g  |                            n g                          |
 t e  |                            t e                          |
 a /  |                            a /                          |
 / B  |                            / B                          |
 G l  |                            G l                          |
 r u  |                            r u                          |
 e e  |                            e e                          |
 e    |                            e                            |
 n    |                            n                            |
                               00 = Black
                               01 = Blue/Magenta
                               10 = Orange/Green
                               11 = White
                          If color group bit from each byte
                          is different, then 01 or 10 will
                          result in brown, purple, cyan or
                          pink. I can't figure out when each
                          color appears; it's your burden to
                          figure it out.
Every 14 columns on screen:
    00 = Black      00 = Black            00 = Black      00 = Black
    01 = Blue/Mag.  01 = Blue/Mag.        01 = Blue/Mag.  01 = Blue/Mag.
    10 = Or./Green  10 = Or./Green        10 = Or./Green  10 = Or./Green
    11 = White      11 = White            11 = White      11 = White
        |               |                     |               |
    +---+---+       +---+---+             +---+---+       +---+---+
    |       |       |       |             |       |       |       |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
|CG |C0 |C1 |C2 |C3 |C4 |C5 |C6 | |CG |C7 |C8 |C9 |C10|C11|C12|C13|
|128| 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 |16 |32 |64 | |128| 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 |16 |32 |64 |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
  |        |       |        |   |   | |   |       |       |
  |        +---+---+        +-+-+   | +-+-+       +---+---+ 
 0 1           |              |    0 1  |             |
 = =     00 = Black           |    = =  |       00 = Black
 M O     01 = Blue/Magenta    |    M O  |       01 = Blue/Magenta
 a r     10 = Orange/Green    |    a r  |       10 = Orange/Green
 g a     11 = White           |    g a  |       11 = White
 e n                          |    e n  |
 n g                          |    n g  |
 t e                          |    t e  |
 a /                          |    a /  |
 / B                          |    / B  |
 G l                          |    G l  |
 r u                          |    r u  |
 e e                          |    e e  |
 e                            |    e    |
 n                            |    n    |
                               00 = Black
                               01 = Blue/Magenta
                               10 = Orange/Green
                               11 = White
                          If color group bit from each byte
                          is different, then 01 or 10 will
                          result in brown, purple, cyan or
                          pink. I can't figure out when each
                          color appears; it's your burden to
                          figure it out.