Functions like an internal skeleton for strength and pose ability. 

this armature gives the body and limbs strength so that the baby can stand on her own. 

The armature can also flex and bend in any direction, allowing limbs and torso to pose in almost any desired manner.
Used for standing versions of Tibby,Taylor,Tessa,Stinker,or similarly-sized reborn babies.
You insert the armature inside of the cloth body, and also inside of the limbs. 

Besides the armature that the baby is shown holding, the baby in the picture has this armature inside of her, 

which allows the baby to stand, and also allows the limbs to easily pose as shown. 

The armature being held has been shaped in the approximate shape of the internal armature, for visualization.
Remember, besides adding strength to the body and torso, this armature can flex and bend in any direction, allowing a full range of posing.

Preassembled Plastic Armature for 22" reborn baby dolls or bears