Native American Traditional Bustle Imitation Eagle Feathers 

This is a 48 feather bustle. The feathers are professionally dyed imitation eagle feathers that do not require permits or tribal registration. They are not hand painted, so they are soft like a natural feather. The feathers are on 6 inch dowels, and wrapped in blue, black, and white, bustle tape. The two main support dowels feature black braided horse hair. The trailer is trade felt with ribbon fringe. The backboard is plywood that is covered with felt. The center piece is a hand beaded 5 inch rosette. The bustle is 37 inches wide completely spread open and 51 inches long with the fringe on the trailer. This would make great editions to your regalia...

Dekanee Cheeta (Two Eagles) is a member of The Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe.