30 Natural Stone Sets


10 Matching Bamboo Stone Sets 

10 Matching Natural Stone Sets

10 Stone Agate Sets 

Our 3 hottest sellers in one package!


30 Necklaces & 30 Matching Pairs Of Earrings


60 Total Pieces! $750 Retail Value!




30 Sets! 60 Total Pieces!

30 NECKLACE AND EARRINGS SETS! You will receive a nice selection of 10 handmade Peruvian stone/bamboo necklace and earrings sets along with 10 handmade Peruvian stone necklace and earrings sets then add 10 handmade Peruvian agate necklace and earrings sets. You will have all of our hottest sellers in one great package. Many different designs and stones from our latest production will be included. The necklaces and earrings will include natural stone, bamboo, beads, cascago chunks and other items in the designs. The stones are turquoise, black onyx, white onyx, lapis lazuli, jasper, tiger's eye, rose quartz, agate, and others. Check out the pictures for examples of the sets. These are beautiful sets that you are sure to love. Remember that you will receive 30 matching sets, 30 necklaces and 30 matching pairs of earrings. 60 TOTAL PIECES WITH FREE USA PRIORITY SHIPPING! Great for gift shops, flea markets, or keep them for yourself. - Great feedback! Why wait? Remember that all of our stock is in the United States so that you receive your order in days not weeks. Our competitors in Peru consider 30 days + to be "normal" for delivery. CHECK AND COMPARE FEEDBACK - There is a difference! The necklaces measure 16 - 20  inches long. The earrings measure  1 1/2 - 3 1/2 inches long. Alpaca silver is an alloy of zinc, nickel and iron, it doesn't rust or tarnish. Please check out my eBay store by following this link for other great values.

Please scroll down the page to see all of the pictures.










 Beautiful Handmade Natural Stone Necklace and Earrings Sets.


30 Natural Stone Sets

30 Sets!


10 Matching Bamboo Stone Sets 

10 Matching Natural Stone Sets

10 Stone Agate Sets 

Our 3 hottest sellers in one package!


30 Necklaces & 30 Matching Pairs Of Earrings


60 Total Pieces! $750 Retail Value!




30 Sets! 60 Total Pieces!

We purchased several thousand sets and we're passing the savings on to you.


Remember To Visit My Store.

Please check out my eBay store by following this link for other great values.


Click Here To Check Out My Store Peruvian Girl Jewelry For Other Great Jewelry Deals

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