Triple Picked Unroasted Green Coffee Beans

Origin:  Brazil

10 lbs.

Brazil’s tropical climate sustains the Amazon rainforest and nurtures these coffee beans as they develop into aromatic gems. They are grown at middle altitudes of 2,000 to 4,000 feet, making them less acidic than many other Central and South American coffee beans from higher altitudes.


These beans make a smooth-tasting, full-bodied cup of coffee. These Brazil coffee beans have a slightly mild profile of flavors and you will experience a pleasant, creamy sensation as you sip your coffee. You may detect notes of chocolate with an earthy undertone. Brazil No. 18 coffee beans make excellent choices for espresso.

Green Coffee - Brazil No.18

Brazil Cerrado Arabica Un-Roasted Green - natural 17/18 screen

Sweet and nutty (peanuts) with the signature ashy (not in a bad way at all) note of Brazilians, a hint of citrus and a little vanilla surprise on the finish.

Tasting Notes: 
What a fun coffee to drink! The aroma displays spice and nuts. The flavor brings in a big nutty dimension, tempered by flavors of caramel and chocolate. The body is smooth and syrupy. This finish gives a very nice lingering caramel flavor - very good!

Brazil Cerrado Coffee Beans: the highest grade of the famous Brazilian beans, lively and inviting with a smooth, sweet taste. Beans from the Cerrado region have cupped better than those from the Santos region.

Cerrado is a huge region in Brazil, meaning "savanna", or central plateau. Coffee grown in this region is cultivated at an altitude of 200-500 meters above sea level--quite a bit lower than our Strictly Hard Bean (SHB) Central American Coffees. Because Cerrado is a softer bean, some roasters think it shouldn't be roasted overly dark.  Other Roasters thinks Cerrado should be roasted dark, but watch out for scorching. Dark roasting brings out an exceptional nutty flavor and enhances the body of the coffee. Our Cerrado is a traditionally natural dry processed coffee. This method creates a complexity of flavors. Brazilian coffees make excellent bases for some very intriguing blends, particularly in espresso. A lot of the very best espresso blends have a Brazilian base. Many of the finest Italian espresso blends are mostly Brazilian coffee. It will add body and sweetness to your blend, and helps form a wonderful crema in your espresso. Since it is a dry processed coffee, it may roast a bit unevenly, but this only adds to the complexity in the cup. It actually makes a fine cup on it's own

Attributes: Full body, lingering finish, low acidity.!!!