House & Garden

November, 1926

218 pages

Besides what is mentioned in the listing this issue also has: The cover is by LePape; Bringing back architecture; painted fish on a painted sea; fireplaces; Portfolio of good interiors; Henry Alken art; White home in Douglas Manor Long Island; convenient small laundry arrangement; Hutton home in Ridgewood NJ; Neff home in Pasadena CA; Smith home in Kansas City MO; Swaine home in Dallas TX; 5 southern plantation homes; ;  Lots of car ads;   Lots of other towns, articles, photos and high end China, Pottery and Glass as well as autos. , Lots of other articles and photos.  .

House & Garden is a large, thick magazine with usually an art deco cover, bright colors emphasizing architecture and home design as well as gardens, furniture, remodeling etc. If you have a home built in this time period it is an excellent example of what your home originally looked like and the features it contained. lots of ads.  We have most issues of House & Garden in stock from 1919 through 1980.   Inquire about other issues.

 Over One Million Magazines in stock. In the trade since 1976. Visit us at millionmagazines.


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