Complete your home gym with the Body Weight Exercise Poster Set from Productive Fitness!

The popularity of Body-weight Training has skyrocketed over the past few years because of several factors including little space required, minimal equipment needed and the ability to do it almost anywhere.

Having all three posters allows for different training techniques such as AMRAP (as many reps as possible in a set time) or picking a few exercises and completing a fixed number reps for each and still getting a great total body workout.

Having posters/charts on the wall is not only motivational but takes the guesswork out of what to do. Posters are 24 x 36 inches and laminated.
Product Benefits
  • Each poster is 24" x 36" and all are laminated
  • Body-weight exercises are ideal for High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) because they allow for quick transitions from one exercise to another
  • Inexpensive way of getting a great workout since there is very little equipment required
  • Can be done inside or outside
  • Can be done relatively safely since there is no heavy equipment involved
Item Details
*(1) Core Body Weight Exercises Poster *(1) Lower Body Weight Exercises Poster *(1) Upper Body Weight Exercises Poster


Retail Packaging - New

Productive Fitness

3pc Productive Fitness Complete Body Weight Exercises Chart Poster Set Laminated Complete your home gym with the Body Weight Exercise Poster Set from Productive Fitness! The popularity of Body-weight Training has skyrocketed over the past few years because of several factors including little space required, minimal equipment needed and the ability to do it almost anywhere. Having all three posters allows for different training techniques such as AMRAP (as many reps as possible in a set time) or picking a few exercises and completing a fixed number reps for each and still getting a great total body workout. Having posters/charts on the wall is not only motivational but takes the guesswork out of what to do. Posters are 24 x 36 inches and laminated.