Hello, up for sale is the following  DUEL MASTERS card:

Inaba Geeze, the Explosive HERO CARD Duel Masters FOIL holo Japanese 48/55/Y7 NM

Card Type:Creature
Mana Cost:3
Race:Dragonoid / Origin / Knight
English Text:■ Each of your other Knights in the battle zone gets "speed attacker".(A creature that has "speed attacker" doesn't get summoning sickness.)
Japanese Text:■ バトルゾーンにある自分の他のナイトは全て「スピードアタッカー」を得る。 (スピードアタッカーを得たクリーチャーは召喚酔いしない)
Flavor Text:急げ!騙した事に気づかれる前に! Hurry up! Before our trick is noticed! -Inaba Geeze, the Explosive (DM-31)
見て、この目にもとまらぬ攻撃を! 早いでしょ、超早いでしょ、早すぎて私が一番怖いのよ! Look at this attack which cannot be captured with the eye! It's fast right? Real fast right? I, who is the fastest, am most terrifying! -Terror (DM-31, H.C)
Mana Value:1

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