Half Ounce Bottles of Fine Oil.
100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils from Heaven Scent Organics

Information about the various oils we sell

  • Eucalyptus: Our Therapeutic Grade Blue Mallee Eucalyptus Essential Oil has the highest Cineol content and is the strongest antiseptic among the Eucalyptus. It is powerful in fighting colds and the flu. Uses: Breathing can improve a down mood or relieve stress. Rub a few drops over the chest to remedy sinusitis, runny nose or sore throat. Comforts injuries by alleviating inflammation, pain and swelling. Massage into soles to reduce a fever. Prevents and stops itching from bug bites and stings. Great in warm bathwater! Some describe Eucalyptus oil as a cooling, camphoraceous, fresh, strong and sweet scent. Plays Well With Others: Try mixing with your choice of Benzoin, Bergamot, Black Pepper, Cedarwood, Coriander, Ginger, Helichrysum, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Marjoram, Melissa, Patchouli, Peppermint, Pine, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Thyme or Verbena.
  • Frankincense: Deepens breathing. Eases menstrual cramps. Rheumatism. Skin health. Anti-aging efforts. Frankincense was one of the gifts presented to the child Jesus by the magi but its use dates back to the days of Moses, the Exodus and the Tabernacle. Uses: antiseptic, astringent, calmative, carminative, digestive, diuretic, sedative, skin tonic and expectorant.
  • Helichrysum italicum is commonly called "Immortelle" or "Everlasting Oil".This is one of the finest, most sought after oils around. You can see from the photos we have put your oil in our signature Cobalt Blue euro-dropper bottle. You get 15ml of pure, uncut, undiluted therapeutic grade essential oil.
  • Lavender helps your body fight cold and flu. It repels insects and parasites. It’s a natural antiseptic and skin calming remedy for cuts, scrapes, bites, stings, eczema, bumps and bruises. Its fungicidal properties fight athletes foot, candida and ringworm. It’s a natural nerve tonic that strengthens the entire nervous system; soothing tension, fighting fatigue, melting stress and ridding insomnia. Relieves menstrual cramps and labor pains. Can help balance and regulate high blood pressure, heart palpitations and poor circulation.
  • Lemon Essential Oil: Botanical Name: Citrus limonum. You may know lemon as a cleanser and antiseptic but there are countless other things pure lemon oil is good for. Here are just a few; arthritis, rheumatism, stiff joints, varicose veins, indigestion, poor appetite, vomiting, coughing, bronchitis, congestion, sore throat, the common cold, headache, fever, anxiety, depression, concentration, mental fatigue, swollen lymph glands, boils, sun spots, cuts, warts, wrinkles, acne and oily skin....I’m out of room.
  • Lemongrass Oil freshens and deodorizes the air while repelling insects. But did you know it also lowers fevers? It reduces pain and inflammation; improves digestive issues; kills bacterial and fungal infections; relieves cramps, headaches, migraines, muscle pains and rheumatism; relieves anxiety, irritability and stress; strengthens hair follicles; prevents drowsiness, fights insomnia and so much more!
  • Myrrh essential oil is extremely thick and sticky, similar to the consistency of honey. You should question the purity of Myrrh if it drips right out of the bottle's orifice reducer when first opened. You'll need to warm the Myrrh essential oil. Place the bottle of oil in a small ziploc type bag (removing as much extra air as possible from the bag so it doesn't float) and seal. Place the bagged bottle in a warm cup of water. After a few minutes it will be much easier to work with. Myrrh is a thick oil and drips slowly. It never comes out fast like our other oils. Patience is needed. You may need to repeat this step for each use...or you can dilute the oil. Most companies dilute their Myrrh for "ease of use". We don't dilute our Myrrh, but YOU can. Here's how. Just add ¼ of Myrrh essential oil to ¾ carrier oil. This will give you the blend that most other companies are selling. Botanical Name: Commiphora myrrha. Myrrh was presented as a gift to the child Jesus who would ultimately cure the world of sin. This is one God's oldest natural remedies for so many things. It's effective on nearly all skin issues from acne to wrinkles! It helps cold sores, cracked, rough and dry skin, scars, stings, bites, bruises, varicose veins, eczema, and a host of other bacterial, viral and fungal infections. It works for congestion, sore throats, poor appetite and indigestion just to name a few.
  • Peppermint: Used in aromatherapy, home remedies, massage, natural medicines and teas. Peppermint Supreme is effective on Bronchitis, Cancer, Colds, Colic, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Migraines, Myalgia, Nausea, Rheumatism, Sclerosis, Spasms and Tumors. It soothes stomach aches, destroys and expels parasitic worms, promotes appetite, relieves flatulence, calms the nerves, helps whiten the teeth and is antidote to a great many conditions!
  • Sweet Orange's versatility make it one of the most popular aromatherapy oils. Use it in teas, baths, compresses, difussers or topically. It can freshen a room, revive the skin, calm the nerves, combat the cold and flue, heal the gums, stimulate the appitite while soothing digestive issues. Sweet Orange Oil is Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, Antiviral, Antiseptic, and Anti-Arthritic. It's a natural Fungicide, Herbicide, Insecticide, Pesticide, and more than 800 other beneficial activities that are too numerous to mention in this listing.
  • Tea Tree: Botanical Name: Melaleuca alternifolia. Our pure Tea Tree Essential Oil is a very powerful immune stimulant that fights many forms of bacteria, fungi, and viruses! It can be diffused or applied topally as an effective natural remedy to a host of conditions including:  the common cold, cold sores, sinusitis, insect bites, stings, ringworm, yeast infections, viral infections. For skin and hair, Tea Tree may be used to combat acne, oily skin, head lice and dandruff. 
  • Ylang Ylang means ‘Flower of flowers’ and it is a Godsend moisturizer. Use in aromatherapy or add it to your favorite carrier oil to maintain healthy hair, skin and nails. Ylang Ylang oil has been effective in treating split ends, wrinkles and other aging problems.