Personalized Couples Wedding Tapestry Throw Happy Marriage Rules Throw Blanket


Personalized Couples Wedding Tapestry Throw Happy Marriage Rules Throw Blanket

Makes a Great Personalized Wedding or Shower Gift!

Love is a splendid thing that should be displayed and enjoyed each and every day. Decorate your favorite rocking chair or place this romantic afghan at the foot of your bed as a constant reminder of how special the love of your life means to you.

This throw blanket measures 54" x 38" and is made of 50/50 cotton/poly blend. Machine washable in cold and tumble dry on low.

Please email with the following information:

Couples first names

Last Name

Established year

Please email via eBay with your personalization request eBay does not have the capability of collecting this information so it is imperative that you contact me as soon as you make your purchase.

 IMPORTANT:  Please supply a current telephone number in case I have questions about your request. If I do not receive an email on the day of sale I will email you so please check your eBay email and your personal email spam box.

I cannot send your item into production without your personalization request therefore if I cannot reach you within 3 business days I will issue a refund.

Thank you so much for your help and cooperation in making this personalization process as smooth as possible.






IMPORTANT: Please supply a current telephone number where you can be reached just in case I have questions about personalization. You must email with your personalization request as soon as purchase is made or your item will be delayed. If you do not make contact and I cannot reach you within 3 business days your sale will be cancelled and I will refund in full. Please check your emails and spam box for messages. IMPORTANT! I strive to supply the best customer service possible. Please feel free to contact me with any problems that you may have prior to leaving feedback. I can be reached by telephone 760-673-9325 I will do all that I can to make sure you have a wonderful buying experience. Your 5 Star ratings and wonderful feedback are very much appreciated.


Most personalized items take approx 5 business days for personalization and then they ship. Some items do take longer to manufacture. Every item shows an average handling time. Please read the handling time for your chosen item.

Terms of Sale

Personalized items are non returnable. If your item is broken in shipment, is defective or we make a mistake with the personalization we will gladly replace the item. Please proof read your personalization request carefully. Once items are sent into production the requested personalization cannot be changed. Please supply telephone number when sending personalization request. Once in a while I may need to contact a buyer to clarify the personalization request. If personalization request is not submitted as soon as payment is made then this may delay your order.

About Us

Personalized custom gifts offers Personalized Gift items for all occasions. Whether it is the birth of a baby, a graduation, retirement, Anniversary, Wedding or any other special occasion you are sure to find a gift item that is perfect and unique. Personalization is always free so why just give a gift? Give a gift from the heart and make it personalized! If you don't see the exact item you are looking for. Please feel free to email me as I cannot list every single item in my inventory on eBay. I will gladly list any item on eBay that you choose. I feel my prices are very competitive and if you see the same item selling for a lower price on eBay please drop me an email and I will see if I can meet or better yet beat their price.

Contact Us

You can email me via eBay I answer all emails within 24 hours Mon-Friday. You can also reach me by phone between 9am and 4pm at 760-673-9325 Pacific Time. Please send your personalization request as soon as payment is made. Please supply a current telephone number in case I have questions about your personalization request and check your eBay and private email box for messages. Not sending your personalization when payment is made will delay production of your item.