You are purchasing one freshly hand-packed seed pack (25 seeds+ each) of Drosera aliciae

Drosera aliciae, also known as the Alice Sundew, is a popular sundew for a new sundew collection. These beautiful rosette sundews are found in South Africa, and they are subtropical. They grow up to 3 inches wide, and have different coloration depending on the light intensity. These plants are hardy and robust, they are forgiving and easy to keep. They do not require dormant and can be kept in similar conditions all year, they can live for many many years. The larger size (than usual rosette sundews) gives D. aliciae the ability to capture larger preys, small flies, mosquitoes and even bees could be trapped and eaten by them. The pink flowers are also large, and they make great display for you to enjoy. Over time D. aliciae tends to grow taller or form multiple growth points, making them each very unique to appreciate.

Germination tips: 
You may gently sprinkle the seeds on top of a layer of washed, and sifted peat-moss. Make sure the peat moss has no fertilizer added. Keep the peat moss damp and air humidity high (RH 80%+ is recommended for best result). Never add fertilizer, and never cover seeds with anything. Seeds will need light to germinate. Keep the seeds and seedlings in room temperature. Remove mushroom and algae if they show up next to your seeds/seedlings. 

Light: high to intense; plants turn red under intensive lights!
Temperature range: 10-30°C, constant room temperature is best
Humidity: we recommend 60%+ RH
Watering: by filling rain/snow water in the water tray 1-3cm at all time
Soil: Standard CP mix (1 part perlite or sand, mix with 1 part peat or sphagnum moss); never use fertilizer on carnivorous plants!
Seed Size: extremely small, handle with care!
Germinate time: 2-9 weeks; be patient!
Mature time: 8-12 months from seedlings
Max size: 3" diameter
Flowers: violet flowers, blooming all year round once matured and happy
Food: small to medium; can use crushed fish flakes; feed once every 2 week if there's no bugs around
Pot size: 2.5"+
Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Sundew Grow Guide:

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About LittleGreenMonsters: 
We love plants and we grow them to share. We are proudly Canadian! 
All plants material sold by us are non-GMO, organically grown. Seeds are open-pollinated.
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