Comfy Cone Soft E-Collar Pet Recovery Collar - for Dog & Cats - XXL Black

Product Description
XXLarge Comfy Cone for dogs similar to Great Danes, Saint Bernard's, etc. The redesigned Comfy Cone still keeps your pets from scratching and biting at skin wounds, hotspots, or post-op stitches. But now Comfy Cone also comes with removable stays, to give it just a little more structure when you need it. When you don't, simply remove the stays to enjoy a softer, flexible cone. Either way, these are a great alternative to stiff, lampshade-style recovery collars. Comfy Cone lets your pet eat and sleep in normal positions while wearing. Because it's flexible, your dog can do many of his normal activities without you having to remove the collar.

Product Detail
  • The Comfy Cone e-collar, our healing halo of love, is the only patented soft cone-shaped e-collar with removable stays for dogs and cats. It has many ways to help your pet heal more comfortably!
  • Our unique e-collar design conforms to doorways, pet doors and any other openings your pet passes through
  • Water resistant and repellent-easy to wipe clean
  • Removable stays for more structure when needed
  • Thread pet’s personal collar through elastic loops to keep secure
  • Reflective binding for safety when out of doors
  • Collar direction can be reversed for shoulder or upper back injuries, as well as IV lines