Fertilizer sticks for flowering plants:
High-quality fertilizer sticks with a high amount of nitrogen, with mineral nutrients, trace elements and the natural fertilizer guano. - Easy to apply in exact doses. Well-balanced fertilizer formulation adapted to the specific requitements of green plants.

Mode of action:
Supply the plants for 120 days with the necessary dose of nutriens and trace elements. Prevent an exessive or deficient fertilization of plants. Provide for strong plants and make then resistant.

Advices for use:
Insert the necessary number of fertilizer sticks completely into the soil between the edge of the pot and the plant (at least 5 cm away from the plant). In bigger pots, insert several sticks around the plant. Fertilize green plants only 4 to 6 weeks after repotting. Repeat fertilization approx. 120 days later. Take half of the fertilizer amount during the winter season (November to February).

Keep in a cool and dry place out of reach of children. Shut opened packages tightly.

Pot diameter No. of fertilizer sticks
 up to 9 cm 1/2
 9 to 12 cm  1
12 to 16 cm  2
16 to 20 cm  3
20 to 25 cm  4