Excellent lens in excellent condition, , minor cosmetic wear,used very occasionally for that extra  reach in low-light churches when wedding officers do not allow you to get in close. Love it ( sharp, fast, stabilised-for hand held shooting-and beautiful bokeh ) but it is too heavy for events work. I can't justify keeping it alongside the Nikon 70-300 that is not as fast but  lighter and more compact ( less glass ). 

Please read reviews on Wex Website for this excellent piece of kit at a great price ( £330 pounds less than when purchased new ...and comes with a digital filter for protection)

Comes in original box,lense mount with rear and front caps, hood and hood extension ( for either DX and FX ), soft case. Inluded also is Kenko Pro 1 77mm filter with case but left mounted on the lens for transport ).

I ship to UK only, insured to the price .

Thank you for your interest.