This was a clean and working Osborne OCC 1 Computer.  I 
tested it twice and it worked perfectly except that I didn't have
software to test the drive.  I just picked up software and tested
it again but the power supply went up in smoke.  I will include
the share/copied software CP/M 2.2 System Disk, CP/M 2.2
System  Utilities, CBASIC/MBasic, Word Star V 2.26,  and 
Supercalc V1.12 Floppy Disks.  Again, these are not original
disk they are copied shareware.  The Computer is being sold
AS-IS for parts or repair, no returns.  Before I tested it for the 
3rd time the Shell and interior was taken apart and cleaned.  
Model number 122728.  The leather handle has worn off and just 
has the metal handle.   Again, selling as-is with no returns. 

Osborne 1 luggable computer from 1982, second version

CPU:Z80A @ 4MHz
Floppy Drives:2 full height SSDD
Display:5" white CRT
Ports:1 serial, 1 modem, 1 Centronics parallel and 1 video
OS:CP/M 2.2
Original Price:$1795 for the basic system
Notes:This system has the Double Density option installed, as well as the Nuevo 80-column upgrade. The 300 baud modem mounts under the left hand drive, and plugs into the modem connector. The Osborne diskettes are "CP/M 2.2 SYSTEM & UTILITY", "CBASIC/MBASIC", "SUPERCALC V1.12" and "WORDSTAR/MAILMERGE VERSION 2.26".