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Genuine adult-sized LIVESTRONG wristband, direct from the Lance Armstrong Foundation, made by Nike.
We convert them onsite to a Keyring. Show your support with this very cool Keyring.
Special - Why not buy your friends a band?
Help Enlarge the Awareness !     Together, we can help people with cancer live life on their own terms.

he LANCE ARMSTRONG FOUNDATION Unites People to Fight CANCER, Believing that Unity is STRENGTH, Knowledge is POWER and Attitude is EVERYTHING. They Provide the information and tools People affected by Cancer NEED to live life on Their own Terms. They take Aim at the Gap between what is Known and what is Done to PREVENT Death and Suffering due to Cancer. Together We Engage the Public to make Cancer a National PRIORITY.
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The LAF was founded in 1997 by cancer survivor and champion cyclist Lance Armstrong


Adult size: 202 mm (7.95 in) circumference x 12 mm (0.47 in) width x 1.95 mm (0.076 in) thickness. 100% Synthetic Silicone rubber.

ALL EUROPEAN & US Custom duties taxes have been paid
So NO hidden taxes

Thank you For Your Support !

Please Check Out My Other Items For Different Sizes & Quantities
