Save yourself  some valuable time don't spend hours trimming leaves when The Clean Cut brand hand powered trimmer can tear through those piles in no time at all. The Clean Cut trimmer M-9000SBU 19” clear top model features a clear plastic top, solid metal gear box with 18 months manufacturer warranty, adjustable cutting blade for longer cut and shorter cut, none stick silicone fingers(it won't smell or get load up), stainless bottom bowl, solid metal crank shaft,stainless cutting blade(razor sharpened & serrated sharpened blade, see images) Original package came with one serrated and one razor cutting blade and removable handle for convenient storage. This trimmer will cut twigs and remove leaves from a multitude plants for projects like making essential oils, aromatherapy products, and potpourris.  We build it easy to assemble and easy to disassemble for cleaning. It harness the power of 20 scissors in 1 unit. 

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