This beautiful handmade bracelet is filled with a full spectrum of all 9 healing crystals and gemstones which are believed to be helpful and supportive if you are prone to or during periods of stress, anxiety and depression.

This bracelet would make a very nice and thoughtful gift for a friend or a loved one. It would also be a beautiful treat for yourself! 

The bracelet is made up of substantial 6 & 8mm crystal and gemstone beads and is strung on strong clear elastic and tied with surgeon’s knots. As the bracelet is made purely of gemstones, it is especially suitable for people who are concerned about reactions or allergies to certain metals and other materials and those with skin conditions and irritations like eczema and contact dermatitis. The bracelet only contains gemstones. The bracelet is also safe to wear whilst showering, bathing and swimming.

The bracelet measures 7” externally with all the beads, which would fit a wrist of 6.5” to 7.5” comfortably, but as the bracelet is handmade for you, I can add in a few gemstones to make it longer or leave out a few gemstones to make it shorter. If you would like me to do this for you, please leave a message to seller during paypal payment or email me via the contact seller link, leaving me you wrist size. I am always happy to make bespoke crystal healing bracelets for any condition or intention to order if you contact me directly. Please add my page on facebook;

Before posting out to you, the bracelet will be cleansed of negative energies, blessed and charged in natural sunlight.  It will arrive in an organza jewellery pouch and will be ready to wear. Please see below for basic instructions on how to cleanse, charge and programme your crystals. 

Please note that healing crystal descriptions and meanings given are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.


Amethyst is said to be a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to provide calm, balance, patience, and peace. It is also believed to protect against psychic attacks and negative thinking patterns. It is used in crystal healing to help with insomnia and to strengthen the endocrine glands and the nervous system, preventing mental weariness. It is also used to help heal personal losses and grief, promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. It is said to bring emotional stability and inner strength and to enhance flexibility and cooperation. It is very well known as a sobriety stone. Historically, it has been used to prevent drunkenness, and is used to assist in getting rid of addictions to alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc., and destructive compulsive behaviors of all kinds. Amethyst is associated with the crown chakra. 


This stone is considered to be grounding and protective. It is believed to improve your mood and help in releasing sadness, anger, jealousy, fear and rage. It is a stone for inspiration and creativity. It is used in crystal healing to boost fertility, energy, promote sexuality and planned reproduction and also to heal open sores, rejuvenate tissues and cells, rheumatism, kidney stones and problems, gall stone, colds, pollen allergies and neuralgia. The stone is also used for stress and depression. Carnelian is associated with the sacral chakra.

Clear Quartz

This is the most commonly used among all of the healing crystals. It is a power stone which is considered to enhance energy and focus physical, mental and emotional energy. It is used to cleanse other crystals and to dispel negative energies. It is a stone of clarity which is said to dispel negativity so it is very helpful in romantic relationships. It is used in crystal healing for chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia and intestinal troubles. It also is said to improve mental and physical energy, stamina, and physical strength. Clear Quartz is associated with the third eye and crown chakras, but also works effectively to balance and energize all chakras.


Hematite is a stone that is most commonly, and most strongly, used to ground or stabilize and for protection, making it an excellent stone to help keep yourself grounded and in touch with reality. It can be used to bring mental organization, logical thinking and a sense of calm. Thought to decrease negativity, balance the meridians, boost self-esteem, and self-confidence. It is used in crystal healing to cool the body, blood disorders, Reynaud’s Syndrome, nervous problems, stress and insomnia, spinal alignment and broken bones. It is also considered to be an excellent stone for anxiety relief. Hematite is associated with the root and sacral chakras. 


This stone is considered to help to balance negative emotional states, especially if you are very sensitive. It is believed to be great for anxiety and brings comfort to the heart. It is said to attract and enhance love of all kinds and abundance. It is a reputed stone of fidelity and generosity, giving emotional balance and stability. Jade is used to bring the energy of unconditional love and peace. It can help calm your emotions if your feel that you are becoming anxious. Jade is used in crystal healing for lung problems, kidney problems, immune system weakness, PTSD, and nervous system overwork. Jade is associated with the heart chakra.

Lapis Lazuli

This is known as the all healing stone because of its reputed ability to balance all the chakras and cleanse the aura or energetic field that surrounds your physical body and to protect you from psychic and physical attacks. It is thought to bring truthfulness, openness, and mental clarity and to quiet a busy or restless mind. It is believed to give the strength and ability to overcome trauma, as well as depression and grief. Lapis Lazuli is said to have the energy of bringing inner power and hope to build courage, confidence, and overcome shyness. Hope brings trust that things will work out in spite of past traumas. It is used to decrease irritability caused by trauma issues or day to day frustrations. It is also known for its reputed ability in enhancing love and fidelity within marriage. Lapis Lazuli is used in crystal healing for many areas and conditions including sinus ailments, cancer, headaches, nervous system, speech problems, pituitary gland, body strength, virility, pain relief, heart, immune system, RLS, spleen, bones, autism, depression, epilepsy, seizures, eye and vertigo vision problems, sleep disorders including insomnia, fibromyalgia, feminine reproductive system including PMS, thyroid, RNA/DNA damage, and tuberculosis. Lapis Lazuli is related to both the throat and brow chakras.

Rose Quartz

This pink crystal is associated with the heart and a mother's love. Rose quartz is often called the "Love Stone”. It is reputed to be balancing, rejuvenating, aiding depression and removing deep emotional hurt and promoting self-love and forgiveness. Rose quartz is said to bring forgiveness and compassion, as well as balancing your emotions. It is thought to help with healing emotional wounds and traumas removing fear, resentment and anger. As a variety of quartz, rose quartz has high energy, and this is believed to give rose quartz the property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. Bringing love in to life and daily situations not only brings inner warmth, but it also lowers stress and soothes those around it. Rose quartz is a very happy and loving stone which is believed to balance emotions and bring peace and calm, which in turn brings stress relief and easing of anxiety. In crystal healing it is used to support the adrenal glands, hypertension, stress and tension. It is also said to be helpful with headaches, migraines, sexual dysfunction, depression, addictions, ear aches, and in weight loss. Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is reputed to be a very protective and grounding stone. It works like an anchor to help you when you feel pulled in all different directions and cannot focus. It is believed to be an excellent stone for protection from negative energy, removing negativity and negative energy of any kind including electromagnetic radiation and transforming them to positive energy. Smoky Quartz is said to be excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. It is believed to relieve stress, fear, jealousy, anger and other negative emotions by transforming them into positive energies. It is reputed to be a helpful stone for enhancing and encouraging courage and inner strength. It is considered to be a stone of serenity and is comforting and calming. It is, therefore, often used in relieving grief. Smoky Quartz is used in crystal healing to treat many different problems associated with the lower torso including kidneys, abdomen, pancreas, reproductive organs, menstrual cramps, sexual health and fertility issues. It is also is used to remove toxins from the body and helps the adrenal glands. It is also believed to be very helpful for regulating body fluids and relieving fluid retention. Smoky quartz is also a preferred crystal healer's stone for dealing with insomnia, nightmares, hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. It is said to be good for balancing and improving one's general health. Smoky quartz is associated with the root chakra.


This lovely blue stone is believed to bring courage to your heart and strengthen your ability to communicate with others effectively especially in regard to your needs, fears and desires. Turquoise is a gemstone that is thought to provide protection, grounding, strength, courage, love and luck. Turquoise is also a token of friendship and abundance. Perhaps it's strongest ability is for alleviating negativity. Turquoise is known as a master healer stone and it is used in crystal healing to tone the whole body and especially, the throat, the lungs, and to boost the immune system and protect against environmental pollution. Turquoise is also considered a powerful crystal for relieving stress. Turquoise is associated with the throat chakra primarily.

Cleansing & Recharging Crystals & Gemstones

Cleansing crystals regularly is necessary as they will absorb negative energy. The bracelet will invariably absorb vibrations not only from you, but from your environment. To create positive energy within your crystals, you need to cleanse them frequently. Generally every two weeks should be sufficient. If you have been through a particularly difficult period it would be advisable to cleanse them to clear any negative energy absorbed during this period. This is important as their effectiveness for healing and to ensure you are not affected by negative vibrations within the stones. If you have been using them to heal health issues or when you were in a negative frame of mind, they would probably have absorbed your negative energy. This is why it is a good idea to purify them on a regular basis.

There are many different methods to cleanse crystals. The easiest and safest way to cleanse your bracelet is to hold it under running water for a short while. The water should be lukewarm in temperature and holding them under running water for a minute should be sufficient to cleanse the crystals.

To charge your crystals there are, again, many different methods. The simplest method is to place your bracelet in natural sunlight or moonlight for a while to absorb the natural energy. Please note that the bracelet should not be left out in strong sunlight for more than an hour as it has a tendency to make some crystals such as Amethyst fade. 

To program the bracelet after cleansing and charging for specific use, sit quietly away from distractions and strong electrical devices. Hold the crystal in front of you, clear your mind and focus on the stone. Focus on the specific energy or intentions that you wish to program the crystal with, and transmit the energies and thoughts from your mind directly to the stone. Be clear and direct when doing this and don't try to confuse or overload the crystal with different thoughts and energies. Do this until you feel happy that the required thoughts and energies have been transmitted to the stone.