Aliens vs. Predator PB (1994 A Bantam Novel) 2-1ST VG

Published 1994 by Bantam Books

Grade: VG

Volume 2 - 1st printing. "Hunter's Planet!" Written by David Bischoff. The best time of Machiko Naguchi's life came in the wake of the Ryushi colony massacre. It was then that she abandoned her human heritage and ran with the Predators as a dedicated Hunter. But it was only two years before she returned to live with humanity and work for the Chigusa Corporation, Livermore Evanston is an ambitious developer who has built the ultimate hunter's paradise: a world just beyond the reach of human regulations, populated by ferociousm genetically engineered animals. But Evanston didn't plan on being patronized by the galaxy's most ruthless Predators--or the Aliens they brought along as prey. As his human customers fall victim to the unsceduled hunt, Evanston realizes that the Predators must be curbed, and there's only one woman for the job. But there's even more to this world than meets the eye, and Machiko Naguchi may only have one way out: to take complete control of the deadliest planet in known space! Softcover, 4-in. x 7-in., 262 pages, text only.

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