Pilaten Blackhead Remover Tube 60g


Do not use this product on sun burnt or irritated skin, eczema or skin allergy conditions. If irritation occurs, stop using immediately. As with all cosmetic products we strongly recommend that you perform a skin test on a small area to ensure you are not allergic to the ingredients.

Blackheads can appear on any part of your body especially the nose. Squeezing blackheads is not the best way to get rid of blackheads as this process of removing blackheads can cause damage, inflammation and infection on the skin. If you are looking to remove blackheads, try this Pilaten Blackheads Pore Mask. You can use it anywhere - it can be applied wherever you have blackheads. Extra care needed when using this since it is made up of mud.

1. Removes blackheads and whiteheads
2. Small sample sealed packets in 6g
3. Large 60g tube for regular users


1. Thoroughly wash your face, making sure that it is free of any creams, lotions or make-up.
  2. Dry hands, then open the packet and apply the mask evenly over the nose area.
3. Let the mask dry for 20-30 minutes.
4. When dry gently peel the mask off from the bottom edge. If there is any residue, rinse off with water.
5. Apply a toner afterwards to keep your skin hydrated and smooth.