TOLFA's 2017 calendar focuses on street dogs in the community! 

A beautiful collection of photographs showing the lives of street dogs in Rajasthan, India and their everyday interactions with local people.
All photos by Brett Cole.

The calendar is A4 size, spiral bound, with a month to view.
Kindly sponsored by Ceva Sante Animale.

By purchasing one of our items for sale you are supporting TOLFA Animal Hospital and Shelter. 

Since 2005, TOLFA has run an incredibly busy hospital and shelter with more than 200 animals in our care at any one time. We now have 100+ kennel facility, quarantine, puppy house, exercise yards, small and large animal operation theatres, prep room, cattery, dispensary, large animal shade areas, office and staff quarters. Although established to tackle the extreme suffering of stray animals that can be found on every Indian street, it also has a heavy emphasis on improving the lives of the human population. 

Thank you for supporting our work. 

TOLFA - Healing from the Heart. 

 Where possible we will recycle our packaging materials.

Check out TOLFA's other items!

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