Below is the original listing from the first version of this system I sold, this one has an updated PCB that fully integrates the cartridge slot.  Functionality is exactly the same as below but internally it looks nicer (see photo).

I've now started working on version 3 so I selling this one to make room


Relive the classics with this truely unique console - so unique it’s the only one in existance, this is the first one I built and I’ve since made a second for myself so this is up for sale.  

Custom built using an original SNES with every effort made to keep the look and feel of the original, in fact I went thought about 6 SNES units in the development of this and the case presented here is the best I could find - very good condition considering the age and very minimal yellowing.  There’s plenty of simiar products available but invariably these are nothing more than just a Raspberry Pi in a case and even where the case is the original console shell they use USB controllers cut into the shell ruining the original, nostalgic look and feel.

The following features set this unit apart:
In the box:

I’ve only been using RetroPie for SNES emulation (after all, it is a SNES) but the following systems are already fully installed, just need to place ROMs in the respective folders for them to show up in the menu:

Just a few points to note; this isn’t a consumer product, while it will fully work as advertised straight out of the box; configuring new systems and future software updates may require a level of “tinkering” please understand this before buying - I cannot be held responsible for errors made in this respect.  It should go without saying but a good quality power supply should always be used as the “cheap” ones can give the wrong voltage which may affect performance or even cause damage - for piece of mind the one supplied is a spare iPhone charger (seem to have gathered loads over the years!) 

Just leaves me to say; UK buyers and PayPal only - thanks for looking!