Osprey Men-at-Arms Series SC (1973-2011 OSPREY) 58-REP NM

Published 1982 by OSPREY

Grade: NM

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Volume 58 - 2nd and later printings. "The Landsknechts!" Written by Douglas Miller. Art by Gerry Embleton. The Landsknechts were German mercenaries who served during the reigns of Maximilian I and Charles V in the sixteenth century. Having signed up, these Landsknechts were read a very detailed code of conduct, organised into companies, paid one month in advance, and sent into battle! Their major weapon was the pike, which could be up to 18 feet in length, but those whose duty it was to advance in the front line carried instead the fearsome Zweihänder; an enormous battle-sword around 66 inches in length! Douglas Miller describes in detail the organisation, tactics, weapons, uniforms and history of these remarkable soldiers. Softcover, 48 pages, PC/PB&W.

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