• 8' Long 300 Gallon Custom D.I.Y. Aquarium Plans (PDF File)

Build your own custom plywood & glass aquarium with 
full hood & lights and matching stand. SUPER detailed plans
(25 pages) with loads of pictures. Complete material list & 
tools required to make the job a snap. Dimensions are 96" long x 24" tall x 30" wide.

You can save BIG $$ by doing it yourself. Believe me, if I can do this YOU can too!!

PLEASE NOTE: These are D.I.Y. plans, not the actual aquarium for sale

• This is a pdf file (E-book) (you print) that I will email to you within 1 business day

• Thanks for looking!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I use the proceeds I receive from sales on eBay to help pay for the food, medications, beds and toys for the homeless dogs and cats I've taken into my home. Currently I have 3 dogs and eight cats. All have been spayed or neutered and now havea safe environment to live the rest of their lives in.

I live in a very small town in rural SC (2 traffic signals, one bank and two fast food places. The homeless population is outof control here. I can only imagine what it's like in larger cities.

Thank you so much for your support.

Dave & Babette