Microworms Starter Culture


Hi, You are buying a microworms starter culture, using it you can very easy grow your own live fish food. It's ideal alternative to other fish foods for fry.
Micro Worms are extremely prolific and easy to grow at home.

Actually, these little “worms” aren’t really worms at all, they are the nematodes.

Feeding fry live food instead of powdered flake food or similar increases the survival rate for most species and will
also aid rapid growth and development. Live food is less likely to foul the water, since live creatures will stay
alive until consumed instead of starting to decompose.

If it Moves, Bite it. Baby fishes operate on instinct. Their instincts tell them to “taste” anything smaller than them that moves.

Picky Eaters. Since commercial foods don’t wiggle, many of the smallest egglayer baby fishes just ignore them. These would include:
Bettas and G
Barbs and Danios, Tetras.

More information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panagrellus_redivivus or google microworms, as well watch Youtube.

Microworm Nutrition







Organic Acids


Nucleic Acids



Worms Sink. Microworms wiggle like crazy, but they can’t swim. They fall to the bottom fairly rapidly. This means you should keep your fry in a tank devoid of gravel, so the worms don’t disappear into the muck on the bottom. Their sinking tendency makes them an ideal food for baby corydoras. Baby corys can find them easier in bare tanks.



When you buy second Microworms starter culture:

  • Second microworm culture will help grow your own culture faster  
  • You will also receive a FREE printed guide how to grow your culture

Easy steps

Setting Up Your Home Culture: 

  • For your culture you will need a clear plastic tub with lid, oats, water, a mixing bowl & a starter culture of  Microworms:
  • Measure out your oats to give a 1cm layer in the base of your plastic tub:
  • Mix your oats with boiling water until of a thick sticky consistency. 
  • If you make your mix too dry your culture will die off, if you make it too wet your culture will smell:
  • Spread your porridge over the base of your plastic tub and leave to cool:
  • Once cool your porridge should have a rubbery feel and you should be able to touch it without it sticking to you fingers.
  •  Now spread your starter culture over the centre of your porridge:
  • Make a few pin holes in the centre of the lid and clip onto the tub, place the culture at room temperature.


  • Within 48 hours you should see your worms multiplying and they will start to climb the sides of your tub. 


  The easiest way to harvest worms is to wipe them off the sides with your finger.  Or use a tiny rubber spatula or cotton buds, if you’re a weenie.  Then just feed them to your fry.  Rinse your finger in the fry tank.  Or rinse them into a container of water and feed them out with an eyedropper.

Delivered FIRST CLASS straight to your door.

Professionally sealed to ensure they do not leak, and neatly packaged to fit through your letterbox.

LIVE ARRIVAL IS GUARANTEED and once your culture is up and running you’ll have hundreds of worms to harvest from the sides of your container.

100% Culture Quality warranty

No refunds and returns accepted on this item because it is perishable.

If there is something wrong with the culture, we will always send you replacement free of charge.


I sell as well other live fry food:

  • Microworms. The microworm is about 50 micrometers in diameter and just over 2-3 millimeter in length.
  • Walter Worms. Smaller than micro worms, but larger than Banana worms.
  • Banana Worms, less than half the size of micro worms for smaller fry.


Shipping to European countries, Canada, United states takes 4-6 working days.


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 © PROXIMUS_N1, 2012