Genuine / Official
Panini - FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 (individual) Album Sticker product:

select the "sticker" you need.

from the drop down menu (New - fresh straight from packet)

Promotional discount/offer only applies to UK buyer (basket) ONLY

Log-in at
using "add to basket" if selecting more than one item throughout my shop (to qualify for any promotional discounts (if stated) and/ combined shipping costs) during checkout in one transaction.

in order to add several items, it may only work on PC / Laptop or tablet, not sure if it work on mobile.

1. select the "sticker",
2. click on 'add to basket' located below the 'Buy it now' button, Please DON'T click on the 'buy it now' button
3. then click 'Back to item page' and do step 1 & 2.
when you are all done (check carefully the items in your basket, as the offer only applies in your ebay basket),
4. click on 'proceed to checkout'

Buyer attention: after payment received, any items that is not shown on the receipt/transaction **offer will not be applied**, so please DO NOT message me requesting for free stickers.

PLEASE NOTE that ebay basket only allow upto 40 items per transaction,
I would recommend that you (UK buyer only);
add 14 items or 28 items per transaction for the offer/discount to be active.

Always check qty and total price before paying.

NOTE to buyer
- "sticker number" is NOT the quantity of the stickers, but a single individual sticker.
- Sticker Album book is NOT included.

. regarding posting/shipping using STANDARD Serivce DOES NOT HAVE TRACKING NUMBER/REFFERENCE.
. for your order to be able to be tracked online, please opt for service that contains either SIGNED / TRACKED.

if you have any question, please message me first via ebay before purchasing.

Thank you for checking :)
and please feel free to check out my other items listed for sale.