
                                                            G. Carocci e T. Bonajuti


                                                      Veduta d'Arona sul Lago Maggiore.


                                                          incisione all'acquatinta originale

                                                                   original aquatint


                                                                           1840 ca.



                                                                          very nice


                                                       immagine/picture  cm 19 per 29 ca.

                                                            Il foglio/sheet cm 28 per 35 ca.



Si tratta di una incisione  originale del 1840 ca. non di una riproduzione moderna o fotoincisione.

                      It's an original aquatint around 1840 not a modern copy or photo.

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               L'opera sarà accompagnata da certificato di autenticità e da ricevuta fiscale o fattura.

                                         It comes with bill and declaration of authenticity.

                           Quasi venti anni di esperienza nella vendita di incisioni e libri antichi.

                                             Nearly 20 years selling antique prints and books.

After a painted portrait by Marcello Venusti, which in turn was after an original portrait by Jacopino del Conte, both of which were painted in circa 1545. The engraving, however, seems to date to after Michelangelo's death in 1564. The first state of this print appears to have been printed on Northern paper (identified by the watermarks), and later on Italian paper, suggesting that the plate was transferred to Italy, where it eventually came into the hands of the de Rossi, the 17th-c Roman publishing family. The print may have been intended as a frontispiece to Ghisi's prints after the Last Judgment, copied in the 1560s, also after drawings by Venusti which were made in the early 1540s. See The Engravings of Giorgio Ghisi, Ex Cat. New York, 1985, pp. 139-41