This is one of the 15  A112  Abarths imported to Norway. I have had this car since 1986, has done 58,566 since new (1977). it has never seen mechanic in its life 
in 1991 I changed the air intake to K&N, in 1997 I had painted the car ( Original paint from Lancia / Fiat ) in UK, in 1999 just before I brought it to US I changed the clutch and exhaust ( all Abarth parts )
since I brought it to US I have done about 800 mile with it, it is regestered in NJ, USA since 2003.
Please if you have any questions you can contact me on +1 914 450 2353


- Original front seats
- Original Air intakes
- Original front bumper
- 4, 14" Mini lights wheels from UK about 8 years ago
- Extra side mirror
- New Strut bar  from Italia