Blitz- und KostenloserVersand mit DHL Paket aus DE


10x NICORETTE  Spray -  Spender

mit 150 Sprühstößen = 10x 13,2 ml

Ideale Akuthilfe - für erfolgreichen Rauchausstieg

Das neue NICORETTE® Spray ist ein einzigartiges, innovatives Format
mit schneller Wirkung gegen akutes Rauchverlangen. In kritischen Momenten,
wie z. B. beim Autofahren, beim Kaffee oder Abendessen,
einem geselligen Abend mit Alkohol oder in stressigen Situationen
kann Rauchverlangen besonders heftige Auswirkungen haben:
Wird es innerhalb von 10 Min. nicht gelindert,
ist der Griff zur „Notfallzigarette“ fast vorprogrammiert –
woraus in 70% der Fälle wieder eine feste Rauchgewohnheit wird.
Das neue NICORETTE® Spray bietet hier schnelle, entscheidende Hilfe:
Es lindert Ihr akutes Rauchverlangen in nur 60 Sekunden
und hilft Ihnen so, langfristig erfolgreich rauchfrei zu sein.

NICORETTE mouth spray can more than double your chances of quitting smoking
compared to willpower alone. It provides rapid nicotine craving relief
without reinforcing the rituals of smoking.
So you can finally break the habit and quit smoking for good.
NICORETTE Spray is clinically proven to be 150% more effective
at helping smokers quit than by willpower alone.
The fine spray format is an effective way of replacing
some of the nicotine your body is used to getting from cigarettes,
allowing you to relieve your nicotine cravings wherever and whenever you feel them.
So let us help you finally break free from the habit of smoking and quit for good.
NICORETTE Spray starts to act in just 60 seconds to give you fast
relief from your cigarette cravings. The nicotine is absorbed quickly
into your body through the mouth lining, helping to rapidly relieve the urge to smoke.
By tackling these cravings as quickly as possible,
you can regain control and feel more confident about
your journey to a smoke free life.
The dispenser is roughly the size of a small mobile phone,
so it will fit easily into your handbag or pocket.
As it’s so portable you can help relieve your cravings whenever they strike.
Therefore it is well suited to help busy people tackle their cravings.
NICORETTE Spray has been proven to more than double
your chances of quitting for good, compared to willpower alone.
Use one spray first and if your cravings do not disappear
within a few minutes use the second spray.
If 2 sprays are required, future doses may be delivered as 2 consecutive sprays.
For most smokers this means about 1 or 2 sprays every 30 minutes to 1 hour.
The maximum dose is 2 sprays at a time, 4 sprays per hour and 64 sprays per day.