Kammermusik mit Flöte - Georg Philipp Telemann

The frequently undervalued Georg Philip Telemann - a prolific composer who has still not been completely forgiven for having been in his lifetime more famous than Johann Sebastian Bach - is nonetheless the composer of works of great beauty, rich in musical value. Capable, as few others were, of depicting the aesthetic ideal of the time - Les goûts réunis - with elements of the Italian, French, English and even Polish styles, he also positioned the traverso in its rightful place this provides the starting point for this recording the eminent Wilbert Hazelzet made in December 1997 alongside his old friends and colleagues: cellist Jaap ter Linden, harpsichordist Jacques Ogg and lutenist Konrad Junghänel.
ISBN 13: 8424562808034
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Verlag Note 1 Music Gmbh
Einband: Audio-CD
Maße: 142x127x10 mm
Gewicht: 69 g
Sprache: Deutsch
Autor: Georg Philipp Telemann
Rubrik: Psychologie, Esoterik, Spiritualität, Anthroposophie
Preis EUR 14,95
(inkl. 19% MwSt)


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