Halla, my Horses and I - Hans G Winkler

This book is the long awaited reprint of the bestseller 'Halla, my horses, and I', by Hans Günter Winkler. The first printing was in 1956.Winkler's unforgettable ride on the mare 'Halla' on June 17, 1956 at the Olympic Games in Stockholm, Sweden made him a legend. Even today, fifty years later, he still epitomises German sport. Although his greatest triumph was with the 'wonder horse Halla', he also trained and rode many other horses to Olympic and Championship success. He is the winner of 5 Olympic Gold medals, one Silver, and one Bronze two Individual World Championships, as well as a European Championship, the 5-time German Champion also represented Germany in 107 Nations' Cup competitions. An astronomical achievement. Winkler remains today the most successful show jumping rider of all time. The original publication has been supplemented with chapters on the horses following Halla's career, with which Winkler enjoyed many successes, as well as with his life up to the present day.
Art Nr.: 3885424436
ISBN 13: 9783885424437
Erscheinungsjahr: 2007
Verlag: Warendorf FN-Verlag
Einband: Buch
Maße:256x195x20 mm
Seitenzahl: 224
Gewicht:794 g
Sprache: Englisch
Autor:Hans G Winkler
Rubrik:Zweisprachige Ausgaben


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