Native American Art Work By Ganunisa Wicasa

This is a handmade hand drum made from laminated hardwood and dear rawhide with drumstick.

All of my drums have a beautiful deep rich sound perfect for sweat lodges, ceremonies, round dances, etc.

Ganunisa Wicasa, or Nuni as his friends call him, is a traditional dancer, singer, holy man and Sundancer.
An Adopted Sioux to the Pipebear family, he is tied to the Standing Rock Sioux reservation where he learned his traditional beading and artwork skills from his aunt and other family members. From there his art work evolved to include traditional Native American clothing, dolls, moccasins and many other Indian art forms. Currently Nuni has pieces on display in Up state New York at the Colgate University Museum and at the Johnson - Humrickhouse Museum in Coshocton, Ohio