Ruby is one of the most famous and strong gemstones used widely for several purposes.
This gemstone dispels melancholy, and protects against miscarriages if worn during the 2nd until the 4th month of the pregnancy. Ruby gives the unborn child vital strength and makes sure that the expecting mother stays active. Helps against fatigue, gives strength and courage and promotes will power. Good for stomach, against flatulence, headaches, pain in general, fever, nightmares, has a positive influence on the active higher thinking, strengthens intuition and creativity. Ruby is an activating stone and heals pancreatic problems, liver problems and kidney problems, use in case of diabetes, against all problems related to the nervous system and stimulates the ovaries and testicles. In magic Rubies are used to attract protection, strength, power, joy and wealth. 

Ruby is a stone that stimulates love, both spiritual and physical love. It helps you to keep
your relationship healthy, but also helps attracting new friends. This stone emits a potent energy that can be turned into willpower and deeds. Therefore Ruby is one of most important stones to aid in overcoming destructive patterns and addictions like alcoholism. In combination with a White Agate the Ruby may be used to help you quit smoking and break through the pattern of a nicotine addiction. Ruby diminishes depressions, melancholy and serious phobias, the stone activates its wearer and may be used in the treatment of lethargy. However if you suffer from insomnia it is advisable to take off all jewellery containing Rubies before you go to bed. Also I would recommend you'd leave the jewellery or stones in a different room than the bedroom in this case. 

Rubies are less suited for those that have a temper or are dominant. The stone will enhance their character traits which may cause them to put their yearn for power into actions and this may cause a misuse of said power. Ruby stimulates its wearers vitality, and also the leadership qualities of the wearer, it stimulates the higher thinking as well. On the physical level Rubies are suited to heal ailments of the blood, the Star Ruby is most suited as a therapy stone for those that suffer from leukaemia. Of course one would have to take into account that this stone may only be used as support throughout regular therapy. Ruby strengthens the blood and helps in the production of white and red blood corpuscles, and also strengthens the blood-vessels which diminishes the wearer to get arteriosclerosis. Next to that Rubies positively influence the glands, especially the pancreas which makes it a terrific stone for those that suffer from diabetes. Also the adrenal glands and thymus gland are positively influenced by Ruby. Ruby dissolves blocks in the root chakra and the solar plexus. Even when these chakras have completely closed up the Ruby can assist you to open and activate these chakras. Ruby is a stone that brings back the flame in your sexual life for it activates sexual lust. Also sexually transmitted diseases may be cured by wearing a Ruby. The stone stimulates fertility and may also be used in treating ailments of the sexual organs. Rubies strengthen the immune system and may be used to cure and clear up diseases of the skin, like for instance acne. It also helps against the ageing of the skin and helps against itching. Rubies are strong protectors and may be used to protect one against all kinds of attacks, on both the physical and astral planes. The Ruby also protects against lightning and hail. You may wish to protect your house against burglars by touching every corner of your house with a Ruby crystal. Rubies stimulate intuition, lucid dreaming and creativity. The energies of all Bach Flower remedies are enhanced by the energies of the Ruby