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The Zodiac bracelet is specially designed to balance and heighten your natural talents.

And characteristics according to your ruling planet, zodiac sign (the constellation you were born under) and your element.

In some cases you only need one gemstone to unlock your secret abilities, in other cases - you will need all corresponding your Star sign.

Wear daily and watch your personal power unfold!

Peridot is a powerful cleansing stone. Its clear, fresh energy rejuvenates the whole body and gives the encouragement of renewal and a fresh start. It is said to help release burdens, guilt and obsessions and it is thought to enhance confidence and assertiveness.

In ancient times Peridot was believed to keep away evil spirits and today it is used as a protective stone for the aura.

Peridot can be placed on the Heart Chakra to cleanse and heal it.

Especially good for the eyes, for insight and inspiration, promotes eloquence, against weather sensitivity, arrhythmia, constipation, melancholy, is grounding and gives balance. Against anemia, stimulates recovery after illness, operations and tissue regeneration after injuries. Strengthens the heart, gives inspiration and eloquence, protects against negative influences. Peridot is an excellent stone to wear during pregnancy, but also for women that suffer from post partum depressions. Peridot is a protection stone that enhances psychic powers. Also enhances insights when divinating and the possibilities of the higher self. Just like all other green stones Peridot is used in money magic. 
Peridot is also called Olivine or Chrysolite. 

The name Olivine is a translation of olive green, a colour that many of the members of this group display, the name Peridot is derived from the Arabic and signifies gemstone. The variety Chrysolite is named after its golden yellow colour and can be translated as golden stone, chrysos is the Greek word for gold and lithos means stone in Greek.

Although Peridot/Olivine has been known in the Middle East for a long time; the Crusaders introduced this stone in Europe in the Middle Ages. They obtained these stones through trading but also through looting. Peridot has been mined since 1500 BCE on the Egyptian island Zebirget in the Red Sea; the stone was loved by many pharaohs in Egypt - this resulted in the following: an Egyptian pharaoh made sure that all the poisonous snakes were driven off the island Zebirget so the workers could exploit the mines without problems. Many of the Peridots brought home by the Crusaders found their 'homes' in the Roman Catholic churches and were introduced as Emeralds. To this day many Peridots can be found in Catholic churches, like in the Vatican and the Cathedral of Cologne, but the British Royal family also owns a vast collection of Peridots, which can be seen at the Tower of London. 

Peridot is mostly known for its extreme powerful healing properties with regards to serious illnesses like cancer and AIDS, this stone can provide wonderful results for those that suffer from these illnesses. This beautiful green stone dispels melancholy and depressions and also diminishes egoism and jealousy. Peridot may be used to diminish mood swings and outbursts of anger and gives one that extra support after recovering from illness and operations. Peridot strengthens the immune system and diminishes weather related sensitivity. This stone positively influences the blood; it strengthens blood circulation and stimulates the making of bone marrow and white blood cells. Peridot positively influences the organs and glands; it may be used to diminish swollen glands, but also helps to distribute adrenaline in the body. This stone strengthens the heart and protects against heart disorders and arrhythmia, also wearing a Peridot positively influences the liver, kidneys and spleen. Next to that this stone is very good for intestines and intestinal infections. 

Peridot strengthens the stomach, and helps diminish an access of stomach acid, eructations and ulcers. All kinds of skin disorders can be healed and diminished by Peridot, especially eczema and all different varieties of the herpes virus, which manifest with skin rashes and itching, like chicken pocks, shingles and cold sores. Peridot can be of great help during childbirth; it opens the birthing canal and stimulates contractions - after the delivery it can be very helpful to dispel postpartum depression. This green stone is an excellent protection stone to the point where it places a protective shield around its wearer to protect him/her against negative influences. However this shield can pose a problem when you wish to align the chakras - this is why it is advisable not to wear this stone when you wish to balance the chakras. Peridot stimulates clairvoyance, spiritual growth and insight in divination. In magic Peridot is used for healing and it is also used to attract luck and wealth as well as love. 

Peridot strengthens the energies of the following Bach Flower Remedies: Beech, Gorse, Hornbeam, Rock Water & Water Violet.


Emerald strengthens the mind, and it may be used to dispel nightmares and insomnia. Emerald positively influences the psyche as well, it diminishes mood swings, helps against schizophrenia, unknown fears and gives its wearer happiness. Next to this the Emerald positively influences the visual faculty and may also be used to diminish and heal eye infections and teary eyes. Emerald also strengthens the heart and may be used with problems of circulation and blood pressure. This stone strengthens the immune system and also strengthens the function of glands and organs. More exotic illnesses, like malaria, may be treated with Emerald, therefore it is a stone that you should have in your first aid kit when you go to a country where malaria is one of the leading illnesses. This is not the only reason why this stone should be in your vacation first aid kit, it also cures diarrhoea and can be used as a laxative, in other words: Emerald makes sure you have a healthy stool. Next to that Emerald will protect you against bacteria and also the muscular system benefits tremendously from wearing this stone.

Emerald stimulates intuition and clairvoyance, and may also prove to be helpful in problems with meditation. It also promotes mental development. This stone is capable to heal both physical and mental wounds and Emerald protects one against all kinds of radiation. In magic Emerald may be used to attract love, but also to pull wealth and success to yourself, into your life. Emeralds may also be used in protection rituals and exorcisms.

Green Aventurine The green variety stimulates unexpected adventure, luck in love and games and makes one independent and original. Use Green Aventurine against eczema, rash, acne and psoriasis, it heals damaged skin, prevents nosebleeds, against all problems that cause redness of the skin. Promotes growth, physical as well as mental, gives rest and self control, good for restless children, use in case of heart disease caused by excessive strain, good for eyes, skin, central nervous system and muscular system. Remedy against arthritis, osteoporosis and rachitis, can help in case of high or low blood pressure. Aventurine brings out the best and most beautiful in people and promotes the development of spirituality. This stone gives one luck in games and is a talisman for gamblers. Also Green Aventurine can be used in money spells.

 Aquamarine is a form of Beryl and ranges in colour from blue to blue-green. Legend says that it is the treasure of mermaids and in ancient times sailors often carried Aquamarine to protect them against drowning.

Aquamarine is said to be the Stone of Courage and is believed to instil courage and fortitude and to counteract a victim mentality. Its energies are calming and it is thought to act to reduce stress and quieten the mind, thus clarifying perception, sharpening the intellect and removing confusion. It is a good stone for promoting creative self-expression and for removing blocks to communication. Aquamarine is also believed to give strength to deal with difficult situations and to allow you to stay focused under pressure.

Placing Aquamarine on the throat chakra is believed to help alleviate problems of the throat, swollen glands and the thyroid.