In perfette condizioni, nessuna imperfezione come strappi o buchi, niente pallini. Veramente perfetta vista l'età, come nuova.  Sponsor tecnico UMBRO stampato nella trama,  logo Manchester United cucito in perfette condizioni, come da foto. Sponsor commerciale SHARP stampato nella trama, come da foto. Retro senza numero. Taglia M, come da etichetta UMBRO. Chiedete per informazioni. Pagamento tramite paypal o bonifico. Formato visto e piaciuto. Da collezione.  Spedizione Posta 1 tracciabile o raccomandata tracciabile. Posta 1 con codice tracciabile € 6,50; Raccomandata con codice tracciabile € 8,50.

In perfect condition, no imperfection as tears or holes, no shot. Really perfect given the age, like new. Technical Sponsor UMBRO printed in the plot, Manchester United logo stitched in perfect condition, see photo. SHARP commercial sponsors printed in the plot, as in the photo. Retro without number. Size M, as UMBRO label. Ask for information. Payment by paypal or bank transfer. Format saw and liked. Collectibles.
International shipping with registered mail with tracing code (safer spedition):
- Shipping costs in Europe is 14
- Shipping costs in Africa, the Americas and Asia is 16
- Shipping costs in Oceania
is 18

International priority mail with tracing code:
- Shipping costs in Europe is 10
- Shipping costs in Africa, the Americas and Asia is 13
- Shipping costs in Oceania
is 15

IMPORTANT: Wait to make payment and indicate the type of shipping chosen. It will be sent to the total count