Camber – Powerful, poppy, and precise for a snappy suspension that offers continuous edge control from tip to tail.


Happy Medium – A forgiving, user-friendly flex. Riders who use the entire mountain as their playground will benefit from this playful, versatile and damp flex.

Twin Flex – Having a twin flex indicates that your board is perfectly symmetrical in flexibility from tip to tail so you gain a more balanced and predictable ride.


Directional – Directional is the original snowboard shape. It is designed with a slightly longer nose, to concentrate the pop in the tail. This board will give you plenty of floatation, fluidity, and control to rip.


FSC™ Certified Super Fly II™ 700G Core – Strong and lightweight woods target specific areas of the core to provide pop, strength and reduce weight. FSC™ certification ensures that the wood products are harvested from well-managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits.

Dualzone™ EGD™ – The wood grain is positioned perpendicularly along the toe and heel edges. Engineered Grain Direction provides you with consistent edge-hold and added strength.

Squeezebox – Burton's Squeezebox improves your boards performance by balancing thicker more powerful core sections in with thinner more flexible sections. Meaning you get enhanced board connectivity, response and predictability.


45° Carbon Highlights – Carbon highlights optimize each layer of the fiberglass by adding a full tip to tail carbon layer. This layer is lightweight, and fine tunes torsional flex. 45° angled fiber makes for a more aggressive ride.


Sintered WFO – Burton infused specially formulated wax deep into the pores of this extra-absorbent, high-density sintered material. The result is an ultra-durable base that stays fast and furious all season in any conditions.


Frostbite Edges – The edges extend out slightly beneath your bindings for tremendous edge-hold on hard, icy conditions. Regardless of the conditions they make your ride easy, playful and always precise.

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