There are no disallowed symbols on display nor do we support any Ebay disallowed organisation. Quote from Ebays rules for ALLOWED postings: * WWII memorabilia that does not bear the banned German markings. We will send this item to USA, Europe and worldwide, so please feel free to bid! Note for Ebay Trust & Safety: This is a painting Item and is 100% Allowed on Ebay - Please DO NOT REMOVE

WW2 German Helmet aluminium Oxide camouflage Texture Particles WWII rough matt

You are bidding on WW2 German Helmet Texture Camouflage Aluminium Oxide particles. This needs to be applied with suitable paint and is the most accurate you will get on the market today. These were used in the helmet painting process to matt down the helmet in mid to late war helmets (and re-issues), as the Wehrmacht never did manage to produce a totally matt paint finish. This kit will easily cover two helmets and probably three with proper use. See pictures below for the three different finishes you can achieve.

Full instructions will be emailed to the winning bidder.

Like all of our items 100% money back on the kit, if returned and in this case prior to it being used of course!

This kit will cover WW2 German Heer (Army), Paratrooper (Fallschirmjager), Luftwaffe and other unit helmets, so if you want to repaint or refurbish your old German Helmet with matt texture this is the kit to get! The helmets in the pictures are not for sale.

The bag of particles - below:
Applied after mixing with paint - below:
Applied and overpainted - below:
Applied and un-painted - below:

German: Sie sind auf Aluminiumoxid auf WW2 deutschen Stahlhelme verwendet Bieten. Dies wurde verwendet, um eine raue, Tarnung, gedämpftes matt Wirkung der Farbe zu geben. Die Helme sind nicht zum Verkauf. Sie erhalten ein Paket aus Aluminiumoxid.

French: Vous offrez sur l'oxyde d'aluminium utilisé sur WW2 casques d'acier allemands. Il a été utilisé pour donner un camouflage, effet mat sobre rude à la peinture. Les casques ne sont pas à vendre. Vous recevrez un paquet d'oxyde d'aluminium.

Italian: State offrendo su ossido di alluminio usato sul WW2 tedesco dell'acciaio caschi. Questo è stato usato per dare un ruvido, camo, opaco sottomesso effetto alla vernice. I caschi non sono in vendita. Si riceverà una bustina di ossido di alluminio.

Russian: Вы предлагаете цену на оксид алюминия используется на немецкий WW2 стальные шлемы. Это использовалось, чтобы дать приблизительное, камуфляж, приглушенным эффектом матового к краске.Шлемы не продается. Вы получите один пакет оксида алюминия.