1935 Monopoly Art Print Patent

Detailed Specifications

This is a print reproduction of the patent for the game board Monopoly.

We have more patent prints in Our Store

This print is available in Sizes:
8.5"x11", 11"x14"and 16"x 20"

All fit common size frames


The 8.5"x11" is printed on a slightly different vintage background (parchment looking) than the other bigger sizes and the 8.5"x11" has no white frame around it like the other bigger sizes does for matting purposes.

We have more patent prints in Our Store

The 2 bigger prints comes with a white border around the image.


-How are the prints shipped?
They are rolled and placed into a rigid tube.

-Will the size appear on the print that I receive?
No. The watermark is only on the image to show the size and will not appear on your print.

-Is this available in a larger/smaller size.
Yes. For smaller or larger sizes, email us.